Any ex witness that has just left the JW's during 2007/08 tell us why?
by DEFENDERJW 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Have you left recently or are you still in?
Locutus of Borg
M, He is still in and struggling with the Borg Bullshit.
Defender, perhaps you should introduce yourself a bit first . . tell us something about yourself.
I'm not still in and i do not speak for anyone but myself. The end came for me with unqualified janitors, window washers and car salesmen with AT MOST a G12 education making life impacting decisions for those in their charge. The way out has been a very long and complex road for me, but unqualified mouthbreathing morons in positions of authority was the last straw.
LoB peace out
I left about 8 months ago after 21 years a Witness. The main reason was a very gradual opening of my eyes to a certain inconsistancy. I could never figure out why it was our "sacred duty" to follow what the Governing Body said, yet they claimed to be infallible. First I tried to dismiss the inconsistancy and thought I was just too dumb to get it. But it gradually bothered me to such an extent (especially after the April 07 WT) that I decided to investigate their claim of being the faithful and discreet slave class once and for all.
The only way I could do this was to go back to the beginning. I figured they must have been teaching something monumentally significant in 1919 to be chosen by Christ as their slave. So back I went. I read the proclaimers book and began to research the old books in the KH library. It still wasn't giving me a full picture of what it was really like for the witnesses back then.
Then I came across a WT quote. It said: "The Catholic Church occupies a very significant position in the world and claims to be the way of salvation for hundreds of millions of people. Any organization that assumes that position should be willing to submit to scrutiny and criticism.”—Awake magazine 22 Aug 1984 p.28
I thought, If that's true, then I should look at literature outside the Org. (a defiante no-no up to now) I reasoned if the Org is the truth, it had nothing to fear from a submission "to scrutiny and criticism".
I ordered Crisis of Conscience and Christian Freedom from Amazon. As you can imagine, I couldn't put them down, especially the chapter on the faithful and discreet slave in Christian Freedom.
I was blown away by the sheer amount of documented and checkable evidence Ray Franz presented in the books. And I did check it as far as I was able.
From then on I could see clearly that this Organization has no right to claim to be the spokesman of God based on Matt 24 v 45. Coupled that with the Scripture at Luke 21 v 8 and I knew for sure I was being warned to not follow this group any longer. I disassociated myself a short time after this and have NEVER been happier.
ps. sorry for the change of font, not sure why it did that!
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I left (actually became inactive) as of the end of 2005, with my last boasting session being the 2005 Crrapmorial and the last field circus being 6/05. I left mostly because the value I was getting was not greater than the total cost of being in, and because I did not like that 4/1/1995 Puketower study article about the opposite sex rejecting you being Satan's fault (which gave the Almighty Baghead and the witlesses the opportunity to make them reject me worse, and not let up). I saw absolutely no point in serving an organization, or a God for that matter, that created that kind of problems in my life just so they could have me to fix the problems that they got themselves into.
I just dissaciated at the send of 2007. It was becasue I discovered all the pyramid crap that was originally believed by the witnesses. i also just oculd not accept the 1914 teaching that Christ returned then. It says his return will be as obvious as the lightnign in the night sky, not only observed by a few random governig body members who would haev to let everyone else know. In addition to that, the generation teaching has been changed too many times, and if the 1914 teaching was right, it wouldn't have to be "adjusted" so much. It just felt wrong in my heart, all of it, and i couldn't go to the meetings without feeling numb and dead inside.
I faded out starting in 07. I left because it is a false christianity. And a cult as well. I stopped believing it was the "one true religion" or that the Governing Body was "Jehovah's sole channel". I had realized this for years (but had sublimated it on purpose in order to cope), but impending fatherhood forced me to finally burn the ships and not look back.
Hello. I left over the blood issue, the UN fiasco, being told what to do all the time, not being able to express an opinion against the GB's teachings, discouragement against independant research, and after reading the Bible and praying I came to the conclusion the WT society is not God's channel on earth.
takethat said:
I left about 8 months ago after 21 years a Witness. The main reason was a very gradual opening of my eyes to a certain inconsistancy. I could never figure out why it was our "sacred duty" to follow what the Governing Body said, yet they claimed to be infallible. First I tried to dismiss the inconsistancy and thought I was just too dumb to get it. But it gradually bothered me to such an extent (especially after the April 07 WT) that I decided to investigate their claim of being the faithful and discreet slave class once and for all.
I could have almost written that word for word. When I read in that issue how grateful I "was" for the FDS because if not for them I would know little or nothing of Bible truths a red flag went up that I could no longer ignore. I decided to find out why I was supposed to believe every word they uttered.
I got on the internet, found out about the U.N., the hidden pedophiles, Mexico/Malawi, the inconsistencies with the blood issues. I found JWD within a few days if I remember correctly.
I never went back to another meeting and I never will.
YOu didn't ask those of us who left years ago, but I thought you might find this interesting... I always read the Newspapers, each morining, I do the three sss and then read the news... there was a special meeting and we were all told we needed to go...about a week before the meeting I was reading where the tax laws in the US were to be changed and non-profits would have to pay taxes if they asked a specific price for things they were selling.
So, comes the meeting.... They got up on the platforma nd announced that the end was so near that a great harvest was needed, we needed to step up the pace... no longer would we ask for anything more than a donatoin for the litereture... after the meeting, eveyone was praising Jah but me.. I knew it was all bullshit.
So, in the car on the way home, I told Dad that what was said on the platform that night was an outright lie... he almost wrecked the car... I wouldn't back down and we argued about the so called personal relationship with God and the like...I started my research then, which led me to the "truth" that these men wer false and liars to boot... I finally got out and never looked back...18 years ago.