In the course of our wasted time in the org we have all expierenced/ suffered through the ten minute closing prayers at assemblies/conventions. So many times there have been others that just couldn't escape our attention. Humble wanna be's, Pious glorified one's, and just out and out condemnatory oratories to the flock. The following is just, well , you decide...
It was a Sunday morning at the local cong. The chosen MS, a rather how shall I describe him, absent minded at times, distracted brother, is opening the public talk after the song with prayer. " Heavenly father, yada, yada. Goes through his attempt, (not knocking him mind you), at his prayer. So, without skipping a beat, he goes right into introducing the speaker with out the AMEN. While doing this he happens to look up, seeing that we all still have our heads bowed, some of us were looking up at him thinking WTF are you doing. Upon realizing what he had just done, says " OOOOPS"!!! With that he says, " AMEN" , and steps off the platform.
HMMMM.....needless to say, after the meeting I observed the PO having a word with him in the back. True story. A few years later, don't know why, he and his wife were divorced, and he left the state. He had a number of other problems in his life, but that is not for me to comment on.