"As we get nearer to the outbreak of the great tribulation, we may well receive some detailed instructions."
And our track record on predicting this event is HOW accurate?
"Our safe journey through those troublesome days will depend on our keeping in step with other loyal servants of Jehovah."
Also known as "goose stepping through the trib"! -<<< obligatory exclamation
"Today, we may not clearly see why some organizational matters are handled in a certain way, but we have every reason to trust in Jehovah's guidance through his faithful channel of communication."
Grape Kool-aide is good for you. Honest. Praise Jah!
"At times, our enemies may seem to be getting the upper hand."
That would be brother Chester putting his hand on your son's wiener.
"From our limited perspective, we may not be able to see the whole picture."
Bad cable outage and missed NBC Dateline! -<<< obligatory exclamation
"Our enemy, Satan the Devil, knows our weaknesses, and he tries to catch us off guard or to attack a vulnerable spot."
Our enemy has teams of social scientists and lawyers to devise ways to use literature and emotional manipulation to exploit our vulnerabilities.