I was so tired from work that I would fall asleep in the chair.
What lengths did you go to, to not miss meetings?
by exwitless 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
What lengths did you go to, to use unnecessary commas?
I know. At first I had it this way:
What lengths did you go to to not miss meetings?
However, I figured someone would call me out for saying "to to" . So that's why I put a comma in. Believe me, I'm usually a grammar and punctuation nazi. Let's just say I had comma diarrhea today.
We used to go to the conventions, sleep in- show up for the lunch hour and walk around like we had been there all morning (never bringing in "stuff") and then leave again and go off and explore the town. Everyone always thought we were there- but we weren't. For a few years we went to a convention that had a sky walk to a hotel (not approved) and we LOVED staying there. Made our adventure SO easy.
So I guess like Oompa, we went through lengths to miss things :)
However, I figured someone would call me out for saying "to to"
Ha... Yeah, right after i posted that, I thought about it and guessed that you did it for just that reason...
I think to avoid a "to to" and be gramatically correct the whole question might need a rewrite.
Oh well, the point of the question survives :)
EDITED: ooo, ooo! "To what lengths would you go to not miss meetings?"
EDITED: ooo, ooo! "To what lengths would you go to not miss meetings?"
Oh, yes. I actually had it written that way after I didn't like the unnecessary comma. But I thought maybe it would sound a little stuffy and unnatural. I wouldn't have worded it like that in real life conversation, most likely.
Oh, the agony of English grammar!
BTW - I appreciate your humor and insight into my thread title dilemma.
I should make a thread about what lengths I went to, to avoid meetings.
The old thermometer under warm water, various aches and pains, homework, chicken pox, play on Daddy's sympathy to stay home. (Daddy was never a dub--he would help me out sometimes).
Towards the end, I also went to great lengths to MISS meetings.
But I thought maybe it would sound a little stuffy and unnatural.
yeah, good point...
Oh, and to actually ANSWER the thread question, it would seem that I went though such lengths that included blowing off my english homework.
Also turning down several community theatre workshop opportunities and the like because they fell on meeting nights.
my little mother once had a heart attack and sat up all night, called my sister in the morning to take her to the hospital. I said, Mom, have you ever heard of 911? She said she didn't want to bother anyone. So, she has another heart attack before the meeting - goes to the meeting, sits through the whole meeting, and then tells the folks who took her to the meeting that she needed to go to the hospital. She died a week later - a perfect example of a really loyal JW, held up as an example to others. She'd rather die than miss a meeting.
I wish I coud say "how could anyone beat the original post' that was glossed over from my non jw point of view? How could one beat making a child that should have been hospitalized or barely making it to see dad before he died? This damn cult never ceases to disgust me or surprise me. Makes my minor complaints pale in comparison. These should have been on the 'what happened to human decency' thread. In jw's there is no such thing.