Memorial: Partaking of the Emblems

by tula 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • tula

    If you partake of the wine and you are not "approved" status..... are you supposed to be cursed? Would you be "reproved"? Would they ignore you or call a JC?

    Do you have to undergo some sort of questioning or tests, or perform some special something to be considered "annointed" ?

    I have heard it said that "if you are not annointed and you participate, you 'drink to your own death' ". What the heck is that supposed to mean? Is there such a thing as "the curse of the unapproved annointed"?

    How could one truly be an "annointed" and have such an air of superiority and distinction of being "more worthy" than others?

    It seems against the very teachings of Jesus. He set the example of being humble by washing the feet of his apostles.

    This "annointed" thing sounds like a JW sainthood class. Anything that causes such a division based on self-importance and the idea of being more special to God than you are, seems a travesty of what Christ tried to teach.

    I hope you all can answer some of these questions.

    Also, did it ever really seem right to you...the way it was forbidden to you to participate?

    Do you think the annointed truly know that they are?

    I mean, if they are humble, would they really proclaim themselves to be special and stand out from others?


  • heathen

    1) I think it was the apostle Paul that said you would eat and drink judgment against yourself if you did not discern your spiritual condition and worthiness .2) to be taken seriously you would have to be a leader in the congregation , making all meetings possible and doing all sorts of preaching and conversion works.3) I haven't made many of these memorials but it didn't take long before I realized the screwy way they observe the ritual of the lords evening meal.4) I think if you are anointed you would know through prophesying or having visions or stuff that nobody else would experience or talk about . 5) I don't know that they have an attitude of superiority , usually they are not advertising it but you would suspect it if they did eat and drink . You are right it is the same as sainthood .

  • DJPoetech

    There was one sister I knew of that partook of the emblems. I didn't think much of it personally.

    Others in the congregation had ugly things to say about her in private conversations like "She doesn't do things the way an anointed should." or " She has never even auxillary pioneered" or "Her comments don't sound like an anointed."

    I don't know if it was jealousy or just ignorance or both.

    I know it pissed me off though.

    Then again I new of two other sisters that were very well respected that partook. All you heard were glowing remarks.

    It's weird.


  • WTWizard

    I liked it better seeing the apostates partaking of the emblems. The report was that the crackers were stale, but the spoiled grape juice was at least tolerable. Still, nothing you can't buy at the liquor store and bake at home. Just don't drink and drive.

  • Layla33

    I would go to the Memorial, partake of the emblems and take out some cheese wiz and put it on the leven bread, just to piss them off.

  • BluesBrother

    No one can say to another "bro" - that they are not of the anointed. The belief is that God/Jesus chooses , so nobody can openly criticise another if they say they "have a calling"

    We had a bro, who was unstable of mind, schizophrenic, at one Memorial he partook and insisted that he was called. A few months later he changed his mind . He was tolerated in a "loving" manner - no come backs.

    The only good thing about having the assignment to deliver the Memorial is that you get to take the emblems home . Matzo's go well with cheese and red wine for a post meeting supper!

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Here's another one , take a sip of the wine then spit it back in the glass and watch the peoples reaction

  • OnTheWayOut

    If you partake of the wine and you are not "approved" status..... are you supposed to be cursed? Would you be "reproved"? Would they ignore you or call a JC?

    There is not an approved list, the elders would not reprove you or call a JC. They certainly would have
    two of them come talk to you at a later time, trying to figure why you partook when you clearly are not
    anointed because you don't kiss their asses. Most congs. would "count" you as a partaker, although
    I hear that some would just discount you and say they had no partakers.

    Do you have to undergo some sort of questioning or tests, or perform some special something to be considered "annointed" ?

    Their literature spells out (in a fuzzy way) what being anointed means, but there is no test.
    They have absolutely no way of telling an individual (baptized or not, active or not) that they are or are not
    anointed. They will tell you that you are not making their meetings or service requirements for a publisher,
    so "how could you be anointed?" You could simply argue that you "know" you are.

    Is there such a thing as "the curse of the unapproved annointed"?

    The "curse" within the WT organization is being made a laughing stock in the congregation. Since you
    "know" you are anointed, and they don't feel that you qualify, they will spread gossip within the cong. about
    you. The pioneers and elderettes will be the most cruel. People will avoid you like the plague. If you were
    an older person who has made their meetings and service until health prevented it, they might spare you and
    chose to believe that you are just senile (or maybe even sincere and right).

    How could one truly be an "annointed" and have such an air of superiority and distinction of being "more worthy" than others?

    Most who make the claim don't truly have such an "air" about them. Even the GB members have a showy
    display of how humble they really are. They don't wash the feet of rank & file members, but they give them
    a few minutes of their time (if they can't avoid it) acting as if they are deeply concerned (unless the rank and
    file member has questions that indicate doubt- then they tell them to read the literature and trust Jehovah and
    his slave and they move on). The supposed anointed outside of the GB are generally humble. I don't know
    about anointed ones in developing nations, though.

    This "annointed" thing sounds like a JW sainthood class. Anything that causes such a division based on self-importance and the idea of being more special to God than you are, seems a travesty of what Christ tried to teach.

    This is true. It was probably a huge problem in 1935 and for awhile afterward. I think that's why they spent
    so much time pumping up the "other sheep." Today, they still separate the two, putting the GB in the place
    of the representative of the anointed, but there are so few anointed ones (because they tell members that they
    are not anointed) that members are just in awe of the ones they believe are anointed, especially the GB.

    Also, did it ever really seem right to you...the way it was forbidden to you to participate?

    Do you think the annointed truly know that they are?

    It all seemed right when I was fully assimilated into their warped beliefs. Now it seems totally wrong.
    In my humble opinion, there is no "anointed" but rather there are plenty of deeply religious people who
    have had an "experience" that equates to being approved by God. It is like someone having "the calling"
    to the priesthood or the missionary work It is like an artist seeing the most beautiful scene or work of
    art. It is like a breakthrough in therapy. It is like "love at first sight." In other words, there are some
    things in life that cause one to suddenly feel different.

  • tula
    I think if you are anointed you would know through prophesying or having visions or stuff that nobody else would experience or talk about


    the elder's wife says they do not believe in this. She says that visiobs and dreams were for another age and not for now. Also she says satan has a counterfeit and anyone claiming to have dreams, visions, or interpretations, are "suspect". (of satan, I guess she means)

    Sometimes I tell her my dreams and visions and interpretations... because sometimes I know very well what it means. She gets very quiet and then "reminds me all the above." Like she thinks I must be Satan's child or something just because a dream makes sense to me.

  • tula

    It seems that the masons have their own version of a memorial ceremony, too. (I think WTS is a branch of freemasonry)

    Their version is a mockery. I was just thinking, perhaps the WTS version is a mockery also. By the majority of people NOT participating in the Memorial ...aren't they in essence SHUNNING JESUS?

    Even Judas partook of the memorial Last Supper. He was given it FIRST, directly by the hand of Jesus. Then, he left early.

    So what do you all think?

    Is the WTS version a contemptible act actually shunning Jesus Christ himself?

    33 degree Initiation Ceremony
    Strange Black Mass/Black Communion
    as told by ex 33 degree Mason Jim Shaw

    During this ceremony, Masons continue by mocking Jesus' teachings at His Last Supper and the bread and wine (Body and Blood) - by saying:

    "Take, eat, and give to the hungry." "Take, drink, and give to the thirsty."

    One of the Conductors then handed the "candidate" a human skull, upside down, with wine in it. "May this wine I now drink become a deadly poison to me, as the Hemlock juice drunk by Socrates, should I ever knowingly or willfully violate the same" (the oath).

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