If I only got a nickel every time I heard an x Jdub say I should write a book, I'd be a zillioniare.
How many x jdubs want to write a book?
by Alex Delta 42 Replies latest jw friends
I am one of them. I have a few chapters of my book, FADING FROM THE TRUTH.
I have decided that I cannot encourage others through a book. I can encourage the
ones that I meet here because I know something about them, but a fade isn't for
everyone.Also, those that are looking for such a book are already on their way out. They will
find what they need. The target audience of doubting dubs that don't look four such
books would never be reached, even if they saw the book.I may still become an author in my life, but I doubt it would be JW stuff.
And the same goes for all the times I have heard the phrase, "bring down the Tower".
Alex Delta
yeah there are plenty of books out there on this that you'd think they'd make a movie by now. Like a horror flick where they're two teenage sons kill there congregation when they found out that their whole lives were a lie. I think they should maybe even have a sitcom. They have Big Love on HBO. How about we call it "Screwed" we'll make it like south park, animated. I'll try to sell it to comedy central this week.
Maybe if you got off your ass and did something (versus castigate) you would be a "zillioniare". I'm doing a play about Fred Franz and about fools like you he would pontificate about. Try writing a complete manuscript, and then you could spout off; otherwise, go shuck your ego. Some of those "x Jdub" books have helped many. Go join a fight club, and get the crap beat out of you!
i say forget a book...
let's do backround checks on every one who was ever high up in bethal and find out what they are really up to...
I'm ordering some sort of file on rutherford about his jailtime in 1918... Maybe I can find out some "encouragement" I can share with people at the hall....lol...
I've been thinking about it. I have some notes. I'm also at a similar stage with a book on music and mathematics. What I like to do is start a blog or blogs and just start writing on the subject. It's a great way to organise your thoughts. You can also get some immediate feedback from readers and learn what doesn't work. Even if the book never pans pans out, you can at least take pride in producing something of value. You can also have some ads and might make some money either way. If the book actually happens, then you already have a way to promote it and may already have a group of people who want to buy it.
Rekless is doing something like that. http://thedreampushers.blogspot.com/ I like what he's doing.
Alex Delta
lawrence, looks like you haven't found a sense of humor I hope you find it soon I'm gonna make you the grouchy old man lawrence in my cartoon that made an organization ruin his sense of humor
Hey Alex, in your cartoon, can I be the sister who supports her pioneering by being a stripper? I could get on the stage w/ my skirt to my ankles and my service bag.
I do have a sense of humor. That's why I recommended a fight club for you.