And the Parakeet will actually reside for a while with the Cat, and a mere little rat will be posting about this.
The NEW SYSTEM is here !!!
by JH 19 Replies latest jw friends
That's cute as hell........
adorable, esp. the sleepy kitten and the perky parakeet - that's the cutest photo
Those are the cutest pics I've seen in a long time. Thank you for sharing. that your bed, and if so, do you really keep a teddy bear on it??????
TJ - iAmCleared2Land
Great pictures! Did you take these?
Ahhhhh... cuteness overload!
Actually I think the parakeet represents the great whore of babylon the great and the kitten is the not so scarlet colored beast. Beware the UN kitty! -
That's so cute I have to puke.
My cap's off to you, JH. They're the most precious snaps I've seen in a long time.
Paradise starts in jh's apt, and spreads outward. Nice pics.
S -
JH that your bed, and if so, do you really keep a teddy bear on it??????
My sister sent me an email with those pictures yesterday and I wanted to share.
I don't know where it came from.