I would give my left nut if one of you could tell me how to post my e-mail that I gave to my family tonight... I'll e-mail it to you and I guarentee you its entertaining.... Please tell me how to post it., Or better yet, give me your e-mail, and I'll let you post it...
I wish you all could read what I wrote to my family.... computer illerate.
by dawg 19 Replies latest jw friends
You can copy and paste the contents here...
It never works... freaking how?
Can I get your nuts, even if I don't give you posting advice?
If you know how to highlight the text with your mouse, hit ctrl C for copy and then put your curser where you want the text and then hit ctrl V to paste. Hope this helps.
Don't worry sweetface, dawg wouldn't let me near his nuts.....
Here is a copy of Dawg's e-mail. I haven't even read it yet. I'll read it after I post it....
I have written several family members and asked three questions that are real easy to answer... Yet these questions are meaningless...what will you do?
1) Where in the Bible does it say that we can't question men (the GB), and when we disagree with the dictates of said men, how does that make us "apostate" according to bibical standards? In other words, how are we wrong to not live up to known lies committed by the GB?
2) Was a question reguarding 607BC, as the date for Jerusalem's fall to the Babylonians... THis is the wrong date, it fell in 586/587BC... yet the liars at the WT continue to say 607BC....that's to support their already known failures in reguards to prophesy, 1914AD was supposed to see the end of the world, yet these guys changed the dates for end times several times, and even built a mansion for the returning "worthies", Prophets in 1925... They can't change their lies, too much invested.
3) Was in reguards to the 144K, there is no scriptual backing that only a select were supposed to partake of the sacraments, John 5 says all should partake to have everlasting life... and the great crowd is in heaven in Revelations 7, the WT says they are on the earth... No JW has come close to telling me why they have the dogma they hold in these areas... why? Becasue they aren't backed up by anything but their own imaginations.
Yet you can't say how you really feel about these issues... why? If you do you're an "apostate", and thus will be shunned. By your own damned famlies... that's sad in my view...
Many of you have called me and said you feel trapped, and guess what? You are trapped! You're trapped trying to explain why so many things the JWs have done and said are false... yet many of you continue with your silence... why? Too afraid of losing your famlies that's why. You have become slaves to false men and known liars... and for what? Just so your famlies will talk to you?
Need I mention the outragious things the JWs have done over the years? The mansions built for returning worthies, the false predictions based on false dates, the UN membership they lied about, the stock owned in defense, predictions based on the Great Pyramid in Giza, and so much more that if we were discussing any other religion we wern't raised in we'd be agahst? And our family defends this and shuns us, destroys the relationships they have with us over this nonscense? Yet many of you who are slaves to this dogma, have allowed only me to make this stand? Saying that you have too much to lose if you make a similar stand? I'm calling all of you that know better than this crap to stand now... now!
Time will have us all together again soon, will you that know this religion is crap allow me to take the heat for you all? How can you live with yourselves? Stand damn it! Stand! How many more Huff's will you allow to have substandard lives over this religion that's obviously wrong? Will you allow your children to be in this false religion and yet suffer under its oppressive yoke? You say you love your mothers and fathers, but then you allow them to follow a course of action that leads to their ruin? That's not love my family, that's not love. LOve means being willing to sacrifice all that you've known, all that you love so that others will not suffer.
SOme of you have wives still involved, don't want to lose the warmth of those sweet arms that you cling to every night... I can understand that, love is a great thing, a thing in which my life is void of right now... no family other than many of you.... but your children, they must be saved from the wreck that this religion is sure to reek. Famlies torn apart, and for what? Mansion builders? You'll stand by watching while even your extended family is sure to suffer as many of us have? Allow others to be slaves, damned slaves to an "Organization" who's sole purpose is to sell books and literature? Made to keep silent as many of you are now, so the ones you love won't shun you? THat's what you call love? Having those you care for use love as a tool for blackmail, used so you can have associatate with your own famlies? All so these men can retain power?
I'm saying it now to the many of you that associate with me, its time for this foolishness to end... sure there'll always be those that refuse to do what's right, there'll always be those in the family that won't see reality, but if we offer an arm to lean on, a warm place filled with true love, love that no JW can give becasue anyone that thinks differently is shunned and treated like their Satan himself, we can end the influence this false and putrifying religion has on this family. We can do it if we stand together... No one needs lead, to many of you are smart enough and know much more than I.... I will follow any man that will simply stand. Stand for the truth, the truth hear me? Stand for the future of this family, stand and see that fewer and fewer are allowed to suffer under the yoke of these fools!
I call you out, you know who you are.... I'll see it in your faces everytime I see you from this day forward. I will always look upon you from here on out as a man that had no courage when facing the enemy. How can you live with yourselves becasue you know doing the right thing this time will cause you discomfort? Letting others suffer and allowing fools, absolute fools to rule this family? I say it now, right here and now, that you who do such things are cowards! Yet that not need be... we can make our stand here and now and end this foolishness. I'm telling you now, the GB is ratchiting up its pressure on the flock, they know their time is short. they are the false prophet mentioned...
An APril 2007 WT said that following the GB is the same as following the Christ... Outragious.... Outragious... ! Are you kidding me? THese people are men and they must be exposed as the liars they are! Please tell me that deep inside yourselves you know your silence is wrong... your silence will cause pain to others... Please tell me that long before the brainwashing, you actually stood for something... something right. That now, many years later, once the curtain has been drawn and the "wizard" exposed you're not going to fall for the same line as that in the "Wizard of OZ"...."never mind that man behind the curtain"... that man was just that... a man... and the gB are men... worse than that they're false men.... False! DO you hear me... false! They aren't wizards! And yet many of you, at home now in the sanctuary of your famlies, knowing all that I say is true, sit and do nothing! I'll call it what it clearly is... cowardice! YOu'd actually rather see generations follow, generations both born and unborn have their lives torn apart under this oppressive foolishness.... just so the lie can continue for generations to come.. and then some of you say that I'm the one that don't love... I came to destroy... where is your scense of decency? How do you live with yourselves?
Now, my brothers, now we can stand...the internet has exposed their lies... the repression can end now... will you please make a stand with me? Will you become the leaders that our family needs now? Please I exort you to help me end this reign, a reign of utter fools that have led this family into ruin? Look in the mirror tomorrow and ask yourselves how much longer you'll allow this to continue?
At the next funeral, when you're asked not to attend..at the next wedding, or the next reunion.... when you're shunned or not talked to by your fathers, asked to eat at a different table.... will that finally be enough for you to make a stand? WIll it be enought to see your own childern suffer oppression, treated like their insane, made to feel inferior...all for a bunch of mansion builders.... will that be enough, Brent, Capers, Clint? Or will you turn a blind eye while other kids are treated unfairly, made to carry upon their backs the oppressive yoke of the WT lies??? Will it ever be enough, will it? I call that just exactly what it is... that's cowardice... plain an simple cowardice... and Brent, I've known you too long.... you're far, far far, from a coward.. so what gives? WHy are you silent when you among many know exactly what the hell I'm talking about? And Clint, no more excuses, the revolution begins now, don't tell me how much it hurts to lose the association of your mom and dad, when I've already laid i t all on the line... stand now! As if I had nothing to lose... I loved my family and that's why I made this decision. WHat do you have for an excuse? If you love your family you'll stand!
I'm alone now, if you let me stand alone knowing what you know...so be it... I'll still stand... and fall all by myself if needs be... How can you ever again look upon my visage and know that you let me stand by myself...knowing I did what was right and yet you all let me stand alone... at this point, I don't care.. I'm moved to action... so when the next funeral comes, i'll be there... and I can garentee you that I'll not take crap from any lying JW... that's a promice... will you? Charles Huff -
Yowsers! Didn't pull any punches did you? How are you feeling about it?
It must have felt good to get that out, Dawg. I hope they will listen.
I only have my mom in and she's like 76 so I'll just let her believe. I called her last week for the first time in over a year. She was happy to hear my voice and told me she'd like to visit me because she almost forgets what I look like since it's been so long since she's seen me. She shuns the family and hasn't even met all of her grandchildren. I am sure when she joined in 1965 she thought she would always be young and beautiful, never grow old. She still chasing the carrot, just a bit slower I suppose. Sad.
Dawg, Honey,
This is such a heartfelt and passionate plea to your family. I hope that they hear you. It is so hard to know the truth and
have your family turn such a deaf ear to your pleas that they understand, reason. I know that they will know the truth
someday. I know that my son knows the truth. He died in November of last year. In the meantime, it is hard. I miss my grandchildren and
grand-children who are still in, but God has given me you and the many on this board. I have gained a hundredfold. I love you and your
passion for truth. God loves you too. He feels your pain.
Love and hugs,
Gramma Velta
I love you all so damn much you just can't believe... Grandma, Velta.... you know I love you....
And BFD, thanks for letting all on this board to hear those words... you're a god man charlie brown... Good luck to you all... I love you all..and will let you all know how it all turns out...