Being a Pro-Life Atheist

by B_Deserter 58 Replies latest jw friends

  • nvrgnbk

    As the above comments suggest, many that are pro-choice would not personally consider abortion as an option when determining how to handle a pregnancy.

    I feel this way myself.

    However, as a man, I realize that this is ultimately the decision of the women that share their bodies with the unborn.

  • worldtraveller

    One thing I would have to say is that a fetus should never have more rights than the host.

  • joannadandy
    It's strange and I'm not sure if it's because of my upbringing, but I just can't be pro-choice. I just don't see the rational justification (other than a situation where the mother's life is in danger).

    Excellent. Don't get an abortion then. Problem solved!

    And I'm sorry my memory has forgotten already who said it on the first page but it bears a repeat...any two idiots can make a baby -- the miracle lies in raising a happy child. Amen sister - and preach on!

  • lonelysheep

    I am a pro-choice atheist. When it comes down to it, reality, pregnancy is a medical condition in which one can choose to continue or terminate. Since it is a woman's individual body and a condition her body is in, she can decide (fortunately, legally) whether or not to remain in that condition. That is why it is legal and in my opinion, should remain legal, safe, and confidential.

    What pain will a fetus/embryo/bunch of cells feel being terminated before birth, as compared to a lifetime of being unwanted/uncared for? Only the mother could decide something like that. Making life is not as miraculous as some of us would like to think. Any two idiots can do it. It's sustaining a happy and healthy life that's a miracle.

    Great words, there beksbks. Being unwanted for 29 years, I can tell you it sucks to say the least.

    What I find disgusting is the fact that as soon as the word abortion is mentioned, so many jump to the statements of not agreeing with women who in your eyes do so as a form of birth control! Wake up! That's an entirely different subject, don't you think? How many women are in the "10+ abortions category" vs. one or two etc.?!?! It's ok to see it as an individual's choice and NOT shoot out remarks like that. Doing so is close to saying: "Women who have an abortion see it as birth control regardless of why they choose to terminate."

    Is that what's keeping you or someone you know pro-life???

  • forgetmenot
  • serotonin_wraith

    I'm atheist, I wouldn't ban abortion, but I do find some reasons for abortions to be bad reasons. Mainly the kind of thing in beksbks' post.

    What pain will a fetus/embryo/bunch of cells feel being terminated before birth, as compared to a lifetime of being unwanted/uncared for? Only the mother could decide something like that.

    I don't think anyone can say 'a lifetime' of being unwanted/uncared for. That's a massive leap. Children usually leave home between 18 and 24, that's not a lifetime. They still have most of their life to go, and they can make it what they want.

    If the parents don't want the child or feel they can't look after it, there are plenty of couples who would like to adopt because they can't have their own. If orphanages are bad places, then they should be regulated better by outside agencies so that they reach a better standard, just like we do with any place of care.

    I know it may be better for children to have both their parents, but many live with just the one. Many have parents who died when they were still babies, yet they don't always go and kill themselves as soon as they understand. They just get used to a new situation.

    If quality of life was important (it is, but if it's important enough to deny life) then wouldn't it be better to go to the third world and kill young people so that they didn't have to grow up in an area with disease and starvation? It's not what we do. We help people. We try to change things for the better.

    Unless the mother can see into the future, I can't see how she could know what kind of life her child will have. Especially in the develped world where the Government gives money to those with little. Even the poorest families today are usually better off than citizens living 500 years ago in huts with open fires, straw for beds and gruelling farming work. We wouldn't kill them (if we could), even though their standard of living isn't as good as now.

    I think children should have happy lives, and that can be acheived if people help. We don't have to deny them life for that reason when there are plenty of alternatives.

  • beksbks
    I've met women who've had abortions as simply another method of birth control. They killed their babies because it was just too inconvenient to their drinking/partying schedule. Where is the personal responsibility? If we allow this callousness to propagate in our society, we're doomed.

    Would our society be better if all these women had had those children? If they can't even be counted on to use birth control, and they are so concerned about partying and drinking they would be able to go through with an abortion, what does that say about the kind of mothers they would have made?? We can talk about personal responsibility until the end of time, but what can actually be DONE about it?

    Seratonin, I'm sorry, but the idea that there are so many loving families out there ready to take on these children, and love them and give them a chance in this life is generally bunk. Most of us mothers and potential mothers have an extremely strong desire to protect our children. My point is that if someone is capable of aborting their own child, maybe in the long run it's best. That is what nature does. Heck, mother cats eat their young if they feel they are in too much danger!

    Personally I say it's a woman's choice, but a choice that few should ever have to make. There is so much wrong with the way our society deals with women, I don't know where to begin.

  • BurnTheShips

    I am for a woman's right to choose, no antiabortionist is for restricting a woman's rights. That is not their focus. None get up in the morning and say, "oh I want to opress women." I am for a child's right to live.

    To destroy an innocent life, is evil.

    We can talk about what kind of life the aborted child may have had, how poor it would have been.

    Do we really know? Where there is life there is hope, where there is death, there is none. May God have mercy on the souls of the poor unborn, and may He forgive those that murder them.

    I remember when I saw my son's body stir on the ultrasound. When I saw him suckle his thumb on the monochrome monitor. I was against the heartless destruction of these little ones on an intellectual level before that point. Now, when I behold my son toddling around the house, it is different for me, it is visceral. An unborn child is not merely a medical condition, it is a living human being. Religious or not, atheist or not, statist or libertarian, left or right, whatever, the rights of the voiceless innocent must be protected. Once a society turns its back on them, its doom is certain. Karma, the law of nature, or divine judgement, the evil we visit on them, will be returned an hundredfold on us.

    Gandalf: "Pity? It was pity that stayed Bilbo's hand. Many that live deserve death. Some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them, Frodo? Do not be too eager to deal out death in judgment. Even the very wise cannot see all ends. My heart tells me that Gollum has some part to play yet, for good or ill before this is over. The pity of Bilbo may rule the fate of many."


  • beksbks

    What is your opinion on the Death Penalty Burn?

    What is your opinion on sex education programs?

  • inkling
    I am pro-life, but lets say a woman had been raped, got pregant from the rape and chose to abort - I would totally support her

    I think this would clearly fall into the "small cluster of cells" catagory. [ink]

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