This is pretty amazing ! This girl is the daughter of a man who was a major elder in a local cong. for years, he had no problem telling anyone within earshot how to raise their children, and tel them what they were doing wrong, and what wonderful pioneer - missionaries his kids were going to be. well,, check this out : being a powerful opinionated witness really has some wonderful benefits. ( most of her friends are-were witnesses themselves !!)
PO kids
by memphisbelle 10 Replies latest jw experiences
I tried to check this out, but could not find any JW related info....what did i miss..................oompa
Locutus of Borg
oomp, I don't think you missed anything. Myspace gives folks the anonymity to be who they really are, or who they wish they were, or some combination of the two.
I like this chick, she has that rare gift of beauty AND brains!! I LOVE HER TAGLINE . . "It's not pretty looking this easy" HAR!!!
She's a fan Johnny Cash and Waylon Jennings fan!! She also actually READS good books like "Slaughterhous Five", "Lolita", "Catcher in the Rye" as well as Capote and Hemingway.
This babe flat out ROCKS. I think we should introduce her to dawg.
NOT your typical raised in the bullshit ignorant witnoid. This girl has a brain and is not afraid to use it.
I guess the problem is that she HAS a MySpace page even though this was banned at the last assembly.
Or is it because she's a bit on the slutty side?
I think you're having us on here. It says she worked at Hooters. Is she still claiming to be a "good POs daughter"?
sorry let me rephrase my 1st comment. Since I do not live near, or keep in contact with these people I found all this out during the past few days. This girl is the daughter of a PO who has stepped down because of her actions, the thing that completely blows me out of the water is the fact that while she and her brother were growing up, good old dad would state they were both going to be pioneers, and missionaries etc-etc. This comment below was taken off of her my space statement : My favorite past time is humiliating arrogant men, followed closely by making people uncomfortable. I like to surprise people. I buy ridiculous amounts of underwear...that's right, underwear, probably more than I will ever be able to wear, all from Victoria's Secret. I resent my father... a lot. And if you can access this account, check out the pictures that she has posted. The majority of her friends are kids that she grew up with AS JW's. What their current status is I have no idea. When I opened up her account I just couldn't believe it! Is this type of learned behavior common in jw congregations? i realize that that are a VERY sheltered bunch, and their kids seem to just go ballistic when they finally grow up and have the ability to make some decisions on their own.
account deleted?
My husband is the PO's kid :)
I see the account, she seems worldly now, and openly so. She doesn't seem really "bad" by worldly standards, I think myspace is just the place to focus on that side of us ;) I wonder if her Dad is humbled?
wow ! I just found this site and have found over 6 people that attended this KH at one time. By the way, are you in the picture of all the young kids sitting on the stairs ? I'm not, but i knew most of them back then.
yeah, two in our old hall long gone, most unspiritual kids ever known