TD ~
You bring out some awesome points. this is what i say after all is said and done:
There are arguments that could go either way. The society is bloodguilty in that they make a decision that could be argued at the very least both ways. If there is any possible chance that is, and, I say, at the very least, between what gopher said and the actual meaning of the word, the society has to admit that there is at the very least 1/2 way of a possibility that they may be wrong.
I think they already realize that they may be wrong and that is why they are allowing so many fractions now. they are changing things little by little. If they were to change things all at once, everybody would leave.
Has anybody written them these things in regards to the different possibilities??? What did they say???
I can't be bloodguillty like that, why don't they say all of what it could mean and then leave it up to the individual? Why the disfellowshipping? Why the loss of so many lives???