The authorized Shepherd of the Jehovah’s Witnesses was chosen to help get Truth out to mankind at one time; but Christ warned that the Shepherd had better be doing what was supposed to be done when he arrived for the inspection in these last days. Because they have misinterpreted much of the Word’s true meaning, they have been in the dark on much of what Yahweh meant. The Shepherd over the Jehovah’s Witnesses became corrupt, but the Jehovah’s Witnesses did not become corrupt intentionally. The JW’s are currently in BONDAGE to a corrupt Shepherd in the SAME way that the Israelites were in slavery in Egypt. Yahweh’s intent is to free them by signs and by reasoning out what they have been misled on in the Word. They are under a hard and oppressive yoke of their governing Shepherd and this is not Yahweh’s Way. Yahweh wishes for the yoke to be broken away and for the Jehovah’s Witnesses to be freed from this bondage. In this dying world full of religious organizations, the JW’s are a close kin to Yahweh's truth, and the Archangel Michael has said that they are not considered unworthy. In fact, they are so faithful to Yahweh and Christ (even though they use the name Jehovah, which is the other pronunciation of Father’s name) that the first Rapture will be an eye opener for them. We pray that it is and that those who belong to the Jehovah’s Witnesses conform in accurate knowledge to being a part of the second and final Rapture of Father’s faithful from this planet. What we would like to see is the Jehovah’s Witnesses accepting TRUTH even before the first Rapture occurs…and there’s not much time left. This is the reason for this message we have been asked to distribute to you. In it, we inform, via reasoning with the scriptures, the truths of some of the misinterpretations of the Scriptures that the Jehovah's Witnesses have been taught. This message is delivered out of love and compassion and it is our heartfelt prayer for all who read it, Jehovah’s Witness or not, that their eyes and hearts and minds are open to receiving the valuable counsel which is being imparted here today. To read the message in its entirety, please visit the following link:
Important Message
by ElishaAY 19 Replies latest social current
I'm afraid you'll find you're just as deluded as they are.
Oh, this is rich.
exodus 22: 18 Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.
The web site lists some misinterpretations of the Bible from the New World Translation. I found this one interesting:
Misinterpretation #4 -- Spiritism must be shunned
So this group is NOT anti-spiritism, which I found ... unusual. They go on and on (and on and ON) but eventually say:
"Bottom line, being psychic is a God given gift. It’s not the same thing as magic or sorcery or witchcraft. This being said, psychics are part of God’s creation and they are part of his plan. It’s up to the individual who possesses these psychic gifts as to how he or she wishes to use them - for good or for evil - using yet another God given gift of free will."
So it's not exactly saying "spiritism is cool", but at least allowing that psychic stuff might exist and is not necessarily evil. That's kinda refreshing.
The incredibly (but typically) long web page ends trying to sell you a book:
"As a paranormal investigator, ordained minister, demonologist and authority on supernatural phenomenon, Diana Akroyd was enlightened on a wealth of fascinating End Times information which was relayed to her, as well as the ministers of The Light of Life Ministry by the Cherubic Order of Angel's Messenger. “Chosen" is the autobiographical account of her personal experiences ... available from "
Kinda sounds like a new Mormon kinda thing. I wonder how you become a "demonologist"?
DO you turn into a bird when you fly away or do you sprout wings?
OBVES? That you?
I shall go to sleep tonight secure in the knowledge that what you say means nothing to me.
Sorry, but we have a poster named OBVES who has already staked out the crackpot concession here.
OBVES? That you?
I shall go to sleep tonight secure in the knowledge that what you say means nothing to me.
No, it's not OBVES.
If it doesn't have numbers, its not Obves. Ever.