Aphrodite, the mathematical probability of our being here is so slim that If their is one chance in infinity of our being here than the possibilities are endless. That is, If time itself is infinite, and the universe continues to re establish itself from nothing. If you think about it, you come from nothing. You never existed before you were born. I think of the universe in its entirety, as being here just because it has to be. The proof is, Were here! So if you went into a state of non- existence before, what's so bad about dieing. Thats just the state you were in before you were born. Non - existance! Isn't that then the right conditions for renewal. After all you came from nothing. Who's to say you can't exist again, to take another form, just because it has to be, in the next renewal cycle. Everything in life and nature renews itself. It lives, it dies. It lives it dies. Cycles! The universe is experiencing different forms of consciousness. There's no God dam reason for anything to be here, and yet here we are. What can I say, I have to deal with it. I'm am a small part of Gods consiousness from that original explosion where he separated his consciousness throuout the universe. It just has to be.
Why question what you will never understand unless you are part of the whole in omnipotence? All things in the universe seem to have a balance or opposite like, Night, day, or negative positive. Where the is a deficit there is something else to take its place in the balance. The opposite of" something", is "nothing." Therefore one cannot exist without the other. Therfore we will always be here, because of these two things co existing, it must be eternal. If I die, then I must live, because the opposite of living is dying. Thats just the way it is. If we are here for anything, it is to add our consciousness to the collective experience of the universe. The universe has developed intelligence because it is eternal. It has to happen. We are proof of it. Consciousness is expanding just as the universe is expanding.
All that that makes up who you are can be brought down to organic material minerals and things that can be found in the the ground or what I would like to call stardust. The ground always renews itself. Therfore the possibilty exists that we may experince consciousness in another form in the next great cycle when the universe collapses and the big bang repeats itself. In some ways I feel that the universe couldn't exist without death and renewal. That is why I say, is this what Einstein meant when he said, " Did God have a choice in creating the universe? Perhaps that is why God is givin the name" I am what I am," because he didn't have a choice in the matter!