To Battman, RE: Door to Door stuff

by troubled 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Makena1

    OK - going from memory on this one. However, I believe in Search for Christian Freedom, Ray Franz recounts a conversion that his uncle Fred Franz had with the GB about this. F Franz speaking about the literal translation of house to house said something like, "it could mean going in the front door of a house, and out the back door."
    The rest of the group thought he was joking, but apparently he was serious. As others have said, a complete discussion is found in the book showing the weakness of the JW argument for house to house territory style ministering.
    How many people do you know came in and got baptized via the door to door work in the last 10 years? Incidental witnessing, brainwashing children of JW parents is much more effective.

    Have not knocked on a door for almost 3 years - and proud of it.

  • hillary_step

    Hello Troubled,

    Hope that you are well.

    There are a variety of doctrines that hold the WTS apart from the mainstream of Christianity. Fifty years ago there were many more. Gradually as time goes on the WTS 'adjusts' its teachings. They claim that this is under the oversight of Christ.

    These altered doctrines move the teachings of the WTS closer and closer to the mainstream of Christianity as each decade passes. Though exclusive claim is made on these ‘new’ understandings, they are in basic fact what the mainstream churches have taught for hundreds of years. To illustrate, the ‘flash of light’ that led to a new understanding of the ‘sheep and goats’ judgment which the WTS now teaches did not start in 1919 but happens at Armageddon. Another is the adjusted ‘generation’ understanding.

    There remain a number of doctrines that the WTS are proud to proclaim that they have an exclusive understanding of. These teachings have often been elevated in importance to the detriment of the simple message of Christ as preached in his many homilies collected together and described as the ‘Sermon on the Mount’.

    Your search for Truth would be well directed in examining each of the ‘exclusive’ teachings of the WTS in depth. You have focused on one, the ‘door to door’ work which the WTS says is God ordained. It clearly is not, but NWT scripture was bent to suit this claim.

    Others to carefully research are :

    1) Use of Gods name - why was the name Jehovah’s Witnesses really chosen?
    2) Why is this name effectively non-existent in early Christian texts?
    3) The Blood issue - when and why did this become an issue.
    4) The ‘parousia’ - what does it really mean?
    5) Exclusivity of one religion - Matthew 25 will help view the reality of this issue.
    6) Does the WTS have scriptural basis for its methods of disciplining its adherents. Have they gone beyond scripture, if so why?

    Other posters will add to this list I am sure but as you research and find answers, hold on to your hat!

    I personally have no doubt that most of the list above will not be part of the teachings of JW’s in ten years time, with the exception perhaps of the use of the name Jehovah, which is as good a brand name as any for a religion intent on forcing a separation between itself and the rest of humanity. Their teachings will then resemble to a great degree what the mainstream churches preach today and taught yesterday, and then perhaps the whole notion of ‘light flashing up’ with new understanding will be laid to rest in the Hall of Theological Embarrassments where it belongs.

    My best regards to you in your search for truth - HS

  • battman

    Hi Troubled, I am back.

    I do not have my notes with me today at work
    so I will be brief and basic for now.

    Basically there are two different koine Greek
    words for "house".

    The first is translated as a personal home such as
    "my home/house", "your home/house" or "his home/

    The second is translated as a "spirtual" house or
    house of "worship". This is the word that Paul uses
    when he desribes what his activities had been, not what
    he was urging the R&F to do. There is also other info
    that is consistent with this view. Paul taught them in
    the Temple and their "houses of worship" not at their
    personal homes.

    The Emphatic Diaglott by Benjamin Wilson, now owned
    and reprinted by the WT will show the different words
    and their usage as will Kingdom Interlinear.

    The E.D. is available at your congregation on a "donation
    basis" but I would not let anyone know how seriously you
    want to study this as you will likely become under suspicion.
    Also you can use the Complete Concordance to see every
    occurance of the words home, house, houses and even
    house to house.

    I do not remember the occurance, without looking at my notes,
    but in a chapter before Acts20:20 the term "house to house" is
    correctly translated when admonishing ones NOT to go house to
    house yet the WT makes the leap to "house to house" at Acts
    20:20. HHmmmmm?

    Let me know if I have made this clear as mud.


    "an informed witness is an x-jw."

  • Escargot

    Well here goes:

    The Greek is “in the private homes” the WT uses the term correctly in Acts 2:46 but differently at Acts 20:20. AS you can see, the term changes with the situation. It could indicate that Paul was preaching to fellow believers in their private homes, not uninvited, going door to door. Read the Book!!!

  • battman

    Hiya Troubled,
    I hope you are not so troubled today
    and that you have a peaceful day.

    S-car is correct but to add to the
    thought in Acts20:20 there is only
    one occurance if the word "house"
    no matter the translation. Earlier
    when admonishing "ones" not to
    go house to house there are two
    occurances of the word . hhmmm?



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