I would say a large majority here can relate to suicide. At what point did you just gulp it all up and started all over? For me it was when I learned that I've lost my family completely, or I would've had to become a complete hypocrite to return to a lie. This realization was so profound on me that I'm glad to of made it thru. I think it really made me allot stronger in many ways especially after therapy.
How many here thought about it when they new how much they've lost?
by Alex Delta 10 Replies latest jw friends
Alex Delta
Well, I guess I'll never ask that question again. I thought since it was such a large issue especially with x jdubs that it may have been a good subject to talk about but with no response in so many hours it really shows the fear on the subject. Sorry.
I was more suicidal when I was *in*.
I suffered pretty severe depression for the 13 years that I was a walk-away believer.
Shortly after finding JWD, I came out of depression and about a year later found new impetus to create a life that I wanted to live.
I'm still working on it but the depression is cleared (mostly), I have money in the bank, and I am setting and achieving personal goals unlike I have done previously.
Maybe not the answer you were looking for. But it's a small part of my story that sort of fits with your query.
I think it is a good question, although maybe wants to be defined differently.
Thanks for asking.
Ah! Another thought on why you didn't get too many responses...
Since there were only 42 views in 6 hours, I would look to your Subject line. It didn't catch many people's attention and then quickly got buried into the recesses of the 'Active Topics' section.
If you want to talk about 'Suicide' you may consider putting that in your subject line. Some people do a quick scan of the last page or two of active topics and very selectively choose which threads to spend the few minutes of available time on. If your subject line is not specific enough, many will just pass it over.
Proper spelling helps, too. (Rather than 'new' I believe you meant 'knew'.)
I don't mean this to be petty. Just critiqueing since you called attention to the obvious lack of response.
I lost a lot when I left the JWs. I thought about all the missed opportunities, the breakup of my marriage, and the loss of the best years of my life. The marriage breakup cost me my home and a lot of money. I could go on for hours about what I lost due to being a JW. Starting my life all over again when I was in my mid forties with failing health was not a pleasant prospect. During the first 2 years a day didn't go by where I didn't think of taking one of my guns and blowing my own head off. It was a question of which gun would do the best job while leaving the least mess for my sisters to clean up. I tried counseling, but I spent more time helping the counselor learn about the JWs than I did receiving help from her.
It may sound silly, but what worked for me is buying a bird. I've learned to love again.
I don't really get what you're asking.
wha happened?
The day I was thoroughly let down by the legal dept, I felt more alone than ever. Suicide did enter the picture but I picked myself up and got through it. I was bitter for some time about lost opportunities, relationships etc etc. I'm not really as angry as in the past
I thought about it as a JW. The religion made life seem so pointless and God such an evil tyrannt. It was leaving that helped me reappreciate life. Despite how much I have lost, life has far more joy and happiness now.
There was a time but something kept me going.
I was more suicidal when I was *in*.
I thought about it as a JW. The religion made life seem so pointless and God such an evil tyrannt. It was leaving that helped me reappreciate life. Despite how much I have lost, life has far more joy and happiness now.