Since you left, have you ever overheard or heard through the 'grapevine', what the local JW's say about you?
Have you ever heard JW's comments about you since you left the org?
by jambon1 13 Replies latest jw friends
Quick background. I was in the Marysville congregation about 10 years then disassociated for about 11 years. One year after I was reinstated I got married and moved to Delaware for almost 5 years. Quit going to meetings last May, left my husband in August and moved back to Marysville, no one from the congregation knows where I live but they know I am back.
My ex-hairdresser is the pioneer daughter of my ex-best friend. She repeatedly tries to pump information from her clients that know me, including my daughter's friends. Right before Christmas she gave my sister-in-law the third-degree about how into celebrating Christmas I am.
I've also heard that the elders and my ex-best friend have come to the conclusion that I only left "the lie" because I was s o distraught about my marital problems. This is the same friend that I spoke to for about 5 hours once and 2 hours another time about the U.N., pedophiles, Malawi, blood, and the infallible/yet humans who make mistakes FDS.
These people are clueless. I almost called them up and gave them my new address so they could drive by and see my Christmas tree in the window.
Bumble Bee
No, I rarely have any contact with any JW's now, except some family.
I do remember a few years ago, visiting with my mother and her cousin. They were sitting around the table talking and catching up. My mom's cousin says "did you hear so and so left the truth?" I remember sitting there and thinking "I'm sure someone must be saying that about hubby and I somewhere."
yeah... it always comes back to us through family. I can't dye my hair a funny color or sport a piercing without hearing about it. I'm sure it serves as "proof" of my sinful self. When I first left there were all kinds of rumors of my husband and I being "swingers" and so forth. lol.
But I also do children's photography and I've had quite a few brothers and sisters ask me if I can do their kids pictures and not put them up on my website. I know it is because they don't want to be "caught" even though I'm not DF'd. No problem, but it cracks me up because I think a great many of them have figured out that I'm pretty darned harmless these days, despite the rumors.
Recently had two JWs w/ literature/ bible in hand come to my friends house.
I said "don't you know he's DF'd?"
They said "no, we haven't heard about it and we want to talk to him."
I said "No, you cannot talk to him. You have to shun him, remember? There is really nothing you need to talk to him about."
One said "I have come to see my friend."
I said to him "you are no friend. You only come to get your water from his well. I asked you to water his fruit trees when you were here getting water for yourself last summer while (my friend) was in hospital. You did not even do that for him. Nor did you come to the hospital any of the five or 6 times he was in hospital to see about him this past year. How can you be a friend?"
The other person in car said "we have not heard he is df'd. When was this?"
I told them when and advised them to get in contact with (name of the JC head).
They left, but not without being insistent.
Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit
3 jw families lived on our street-a BS home right across from us. We were moving, and while loading the truck and I had my carry gun exposed in a holster on the front of my belt--was comfortable and accessible with the physical activity of moving. A jw in our ex-cong was visiting her JW relative across the street, but came over to find out where we were moving--I told her "can't tell you" and other than that ignored the fact that she was there--shunned her I guess, but that was the extent of our conversation. The fact is and was, I never touched it in front of her and we carry guns legally and safely, and I was well within my right to have a gun on my person esp on my own driveway.
A month later, our 'contact' in the cong, an elder's 20 yo daughter told us that there was a rumor going around that we were paranoid and crazy, this idiot Sis. Butler had told people we were walking around with guns, that 'you see how people go off once they lose Jaheever's spirit'.
Yah i hear periodically the buzz that goes out bout me in the dub world....just it dont faze me any more so than the wind whistling up and down the freeway going through the em talk..
I only hear good things, I've turned into a much nicer person than I was when I was a witness.
Nope, I don't stay around them long enough to hear anything!
word on the street is i am an apostate, and should be avoided....I am not da'd or df'd nor have been in a JC, so I guess I should charge slander, lol.......................I still have a few dub friends who are ok me me saying its BS.................oompa