Once You Had Doubts, How Long Before You Got On The Internet?

by minimus 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • NewYork44M

    I began my fade about the time of the inception of the internet. Although we are talking pre-netscape days. I was able to find some good sites. I did not like H20. It was too hard to navigate and the discussions were a little too heavy for my little mind.

    BTW, are the H2O files archived somewhere? It would be interesting to re-live some of those threads.

  • oompa
    mini: Were you personally affected in your faith because you turned on the computer? Would you say that the Information Highway is the vehicle that got you on the road to freedom of mind control?

    First the subject line answer......exactly 27 years since first doubt, and then on the Internet.

    I was not affected due to the computer.

    The internet had nothing to do with it. I found my own dirt, verified it by writing Society. The difficulties finding these things out made me look for a support group....and thank NET (not god) I found one..............................................love you guys.........oompa

  • trudy

    Satan invented the internet? LOL! Then why is it they are making use of it with their very own web site? And another thing: I found out that the poison filth, the Watchtower was always associating those apostates with is simply their own past errors found in old Watchtower publications. LOL! I wondered, "IS THAT IT?" So what is so horrible about that? It came from BROOKLYN, NEW YORK!

  • minimus

    All the media is controlled by the god of this system of things.

  • jaguarbass

    I left the Tower in 83 before Al Gore even dreamed of inventing the internet.

    When I got online I was a bible reading beliver in God and Jesus. All the information out there about God and Jesus really put my faith in the dumper.

    Now I am deffinitely an agnostic and borderline atheist, depending how you define atheist.

    God and information is kind of like water and oil, if you know what I mean.

  • sooner7nc
    The internet, just gave me some folks to talk too about it

    I knew in my heart that it couldn't possibly be true. It is totally and completely illogical, and even after reading all the horror stories, explanations of doctrine, arguements between posters about the validity of this or that JW characteristic, etc., it still comes down to the fact that I, in my heart, using all the logic I can muster, beleive that it is a big pile of shit.

  • Save My Soul
    Save My Soul

    I first had doubts when my GF dies in 1984, he was born in 1906. In 1995, I saw the wizard behind the cloak. It was really traumatizing for me. The entire religion was based on the Generation teaching.

  • LouBelle

    it wasn't long before I started typing in Jehovah Witnesses - ex jw and so forth. The amount of information now available out there is staggering and yes it definately help me see more clearly the lies that had been told to me - it brought me here and well led me to many books and that.

  • Robert7

    It took me to the point of wanting to leave before I ever researched on the Internet. So I was slowly fading for over a year before I got to the point of wanting to leave. So I came to my own conclusions and doubts with my own understanding. The facts on the Internet simply confirmed virtually everything, which was actually very refreshing knowing I wasn't going crazy.

  • minimus

    Facts are undeniable---plain and simple.

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