I post under a different name on this forum, but there are some people that read this site that know who I am in person, so I am posting under a different alias so as not to get myself in hot water.
Anyway, for the first time in over 20 years of eligibility, I voted in today's primary. In a Church! Blocks from my house!
And I didn't get struck by lightning! I didn't get my hand tattooed with the Mark of the Beast! It was very anticlimactic, almost like getting your drivers license renewed.
There were two questions, one was for a change to the city charter regarding Mayoral elections, and of course, one was for the Presidential Primary.
And I voted for Barak Obama.
I figured that this year, if I am going to buck the Organization, (even if just in secret), I would do it for an historical election. So, in my first election, I voted for a Black man that has a serious shot at being President.
Anybody else ever do this, or contemplate doing this, while still in?