I'm a man of neither wealth nor taste (my apologies to Messrs. Jagger, Richards, et al.)
Anyway, I have lurked here off-and-on for a while. As I stated a couple of days ago, I am impressed with the level of knowledge of many of the posters on this board. It's quite a resource.
It appears to be a tradition on this board for new posters to introduce themselves. I do not enjoy talking about myself, so this will be short. I will outline the two issues that made me start questioning the organization.
I was raised as a JW and my family was and is prominent in the congregation and circuit (father is a long-time elder and assembly speaker, etc.). I began to doubt the organization after seeing first-hand the arbitrary character of decisions made at the local and circuit level. I remember thinking that every time God has used an organization, it has turned bad or apostatized. So, I wondered, could the Society have done the same thing? Could it have "gone bad"?
I have also had a difficult time reconciling the "life-saving" and "urgent" nature of the preaching work. As I asked on this board a couple days ago, I did not understand how the end could come before billions of people received a witness. Also, on a related note, I did not see why the ministry was even necessary if Jesus was going to judge hearts at Armageddon. The answer I get from witnesses is that the preaching work is a test for US (i.e., the JWs) to see if we'll do it. I just have a hard time thinking God wants to give us busywork.
OK, enough about me.
Please allow me to introduce myself...
by Olin Moyles Ghost 37 Replies latest jw friends
Olin Moyles Ghost
Surly there's more, family in, wife and kids... are you out for good... what ever you feel.
Welcome, Olin Moyles Ghost!
Can we call you "OMG" for short?
~Sue -
Welcome Skeeter
Hello and welcome.
Welcome OMG!
I was like your Dad, only I had YOUR questions. Glad you found your way here, like I did. It's a good place to work out what ever is on your mind.
You have my Sympathy OMG, not sayin' you are the devil!!
choosing life
I never understood the reason for the preaching work either. I always asked my husband why God couldn't just read our hearts right now and end all the suffering for so many poor people. What is the point? Bring on the paradise. If you think about it, the jws believe even after the 100 year reign, everyone has to be tested again.
Crazy beliefs. Can't believe I went along with them for so long?