I have just declared Force Majeure
Force Majeure
by stillajwexelder 13 Replies latest watchtower bible
Who is the other party? Or did you just hit a smaller plane?
Help me elder.........what is that for the uncolleged?.........oompa
Open mind
Alien invasion?
Labor dispute?
World War III?
That's even worse than Vis Major.
Ahhh the internet... what did we do before we had it?
In the industry I work in, sadly it is becoming a more common phrase
come on......help me out with this..........I am not that schooled and this is not fair..............................................................oompa
Force Majeure literally means "greater force". These clauses excuse a party from liability if some unforseen event beyond the control of that party prevents it from performing its obligations under the contract. Typically, force majeure clauses cover natural disasters or other "Acts of God", war, or the failure of third parties--such as suppliers and subcontractors--to perform their obligations to the contracting party. It is important to remember that force majeure clauses are intended to excuse a party only if the failure to perform could not be avoided by the exercise of due care by that party.
So after Hurricane Katrina, many Gulf state chemical plants were taken out - the companies declared Force Majeure on certain chemicals and said -sorry folks we just can not supply
You gotta be kidding.......no crimes are punished.......................oompa