Ah, the creationists are crying foul. They can't stand criticism of their position, so they produce blarney like this film and like the so-called Creation Museum in Kentucky. This movie is about a dispute among academics presented in a way to try to win pity from the American public.
As noted in an earlier post above, this film blatantly misrepresents the definition of evolution and so misinforms the public and does a gross disservice to a truthful discussion. For a movie defending scientists who want to promote Intelligent Design, it even does its proponents a disservice by not even giving a complete definition of Intelligent Design.
God does not belong in laboratories or in classrooms. If anywhere, God belongs in homes and churches. God is not provable or disprovable by scientific methods, and so belongs in the realm of philosophy or theology rather than science.
Here's a critical analysis of this movie: http://www.coloradoconfidential.com/showDiary.do?diaryId=3229