Common lie told by Jehovah's Witnesses
by Watchtower-Free 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
"We have no human leaders; we follow Jesus."
Try telling that to the elders when they come around calling. "I read the Bible and follow only Jesus." See how far that gets you as a JW.
"We don't judge." -
Magnum, "......see how far that gets you....."
That will get you a quick trip to the infamous "Back Room".
We follow the bible.
We are true Christians.
We are not a cult.
Sorry, that's 3
Or quote 1 Cor. 11:3 to them: " the head of every man is Christ--" no earthly head over me, gentlemen!. -
Are they deliberately lying or do really believe what they are saying ?Is this calculated deception of the public or self deception?
Sorry but all religions are an agreed to set of lies.
The JWS stemmed out of second adventists teachings of the late 1800's .
It was realized even back then that the second return of Christ was a marketable idea,
particularly so for publishing literature.
So you could say the core lie of the Jehovah's Witnesses rests within in that original man made albeit commercial endeavor.
Marvin Shilmer
Big fat lie: Jehovah’s Witnesses abstain from blood