I wonder if anyone has any ideas on this. Who, What is behind the WTS. Is it just men genuinely making mistakes but are sincerely trying to serve God? Or is this some kind of Masonic entrapment, to build a financial empire.(imagination running wild!) Why do they try so hard to keep people in by deception? Is it because they fear the members will lose their lives or is it they fear they (the WTS)will lose their financial contributions. Any books, links, thoughts etc ..thanks xxx Strawberry Cake
Do the Governing body know they are being dishonest?
by strawberry cake 24 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Mickey mouse
I have wondered the same. I think the majority of them are probably sincere but one or two have to know for sure it's a crock. Maybe they just feel trapped like the rest of us? The difference is, they have it in their power to release the rest of us.
chicken little
To make it to the top as in being a member of the governing body, means one has put in a hell of a lot of work for the org. These men have been society men for so long that they must eat, sleep and dream the stuff the whole time. I really believe that they think that they are Gods channel and that they are the ones being used. But I bet you anything that their wives must just have a few little doubts of their own if they have to live with these guys. I was once on a train coming back from a convention with one of the top dogs at the time, he was going on about how long the audience had clapped after his talk and wasnt it wonderful.....Yes dear, sighed his wife and turned to me to ask who I was and what I was doing....she showed interest ....he was on his own cloud 9. Being sincere about something doesnt make it right....hang on a sec didnt WE used to say that in the ministry? love chicken little
Is it just men genuinely making mistakes but are sincerely trying to serve God?
I think this would describe them. Not to say they don't have their moments. I think that the bad things they may do they justify as somehow being for the greater good. I don't think you can climb to the top without being a true believer.
I think if JamesThomas were here he would say 'they are lost in their own story'.
In C of C Ray Franz describes one moment where the comment was "We just take a date from one shoulder and put it on the other" This would indicate at times they are being deceitful and yes they know it
You have asked a good question, one that bothers me too.
Someone posted that sincerity doesn't make them right, which I totally agree with. The real question is though, are they even sincere?
The following is a verse from John:
(John 11:45-53) 45 Therefore many of the Jews that had come to Mary and that beheld what he did put faith in him; 46 but some of them went off to the Pharisees and told them the things Jesus did. 47 Consequently the chief priests and the Pharisees gathered the San´he·drin together and began to say: "What are we to do, because this man performs many signs? 48 If we let him alone this way, they will all put faith in him, and the Romans will come and take away both our place and our nation." 49 But a certain one of them, Ca´ia·phas, who was high priest that year, said to them: "YOU do not know anything at all, 50 and YOU do not reason out that it is to YOUR benefit for one man to die in behalf of the people and not for the whole nation to be destroyed." 51 This, though, he did not say of his own originality; but because he was high priest that year, he prophesied that Jesus was destined to die for the nation, 52 and not for the nation only, but in order that the children of God who are scattered about he might also gather together in one. 53Therefore from that day on they took counsel to kill him.
I don't think it is a very big leap to put the governing body at the same level as the Jewish Priests, after all, they are the ones that claim to be the 'spiritual Israel'.
In my opinion, they know they are sinning. They know they are wrong. They had to learn that as they came up through the ranks. However to admit responsibility and wrongness, they would have to give up both their place (our betters, our leaders, the object of devotion of many if not all of JW dom,) and the "nation' that is, they would have to let 6 million people off the hook. They just can't do it.
Thats my take and I'm sticking to it.
berry: Why do they try so hard to keep people in by deception?
Oh Berry, you answer your own question since deception is a from of dishonesty.....I actually think they are sincere....just look at how many sincere dubs you have known.....these guys can almost walk on water.......poor blind water walkers...............oompa
however...they have to know they have a total FRAUD of a Bible...............
Sincere lololol
Not a chance in hell, the higher up you go in the food chain the easier it will be to see the con.
I doubt ANY of them truly believe the lies they tell
Please take a look at this thread as it addresses your question: