No doubt in my mind that the year 1914 was one of the most important years in God's plan . The fact the date was singled out by people who believed the Bible and claimed special status was a winning ticket for the International Bible Students . Nowadays the date 1914 AD can really fully appreciated.Even then International Bible Students did not know the full implications of that date as it is understood today in the time when the Bible is best understood whioch is the fulfillment of Daniel 12.4.
The date 1914 AD in my calculations based on the Bible made the International Bible Students and makes their legitimate succcessors Jehovah's Witnesses my friends in faith.
1914 AD represents the year 29 AD or 106 AD in the end-time chronology.Check my posts concerning the date 1914 .
More than 99% of all christian religions doesn't meet the standards of the Bible as set for the end-times.The International Bible Students and Jehovah's Witnesses are the first to exclude them from that ominous view .If my prediction comes true most people will face the total annihilation for ever .
So ,it is important to you to find out what is the importance of the year 1914 AD in the end-times.
The Book of Revelation of 22 books can be divided into halves and 1914 AD is essential :
chapters 1-11 : 1914 AD - 1984 AD - 1991 AD +
chapters 12-22 : 1914 AD - 1984 AD - 1991 +
Those who want to discard the importance of the 1914 AD are making a cardinal error .
To bear a witness to the truth a person must be at least 5 years old .So the date 1911 AD can be a starting date .
1911 AD - 2008 AD = 97 years
There are thousands of people in the USA alone who are 97 + years old and there will be still many in the year 2011 AD.The year 2011 AD is my next prediction for the end of the world. The oldest person in the Washington D.C. area is 108 years old and I saw the lady on TV .She can go on still for quite a few years .Check the statistics to see how many people of age 100 might be living in 2011 AD - exactly 100 years since 1911 AD .
We cannot say that the 1914 AD generation is gone . In view of so many amazing successes in medicines and the changed lifestyles we may see the 1914 AD generation still existing in 2034 AD if the end of the world is to take place in 2034 AD !