Oh Shit!
by RubaDub 13 Replies latest jw friends
Oh Shit!
This is only my opinion, but I am fairly typical among conservatives:
Huckabee's no conservative in my book, and I think he is not an honest man. I wasn't one hundred percent crazy about Romney, but he was within tolerance, none of the guys left fall within this range.
And don't say Ron Paul, the guy's a nutcase.
It looks like McLame vs either Hitlery or Osama Obama.
Sad to say, I no longer have a dog in this fight. I'll vote FORE somebody, but it is against my principles to vote for somebody I do not approve of simply as a vote AGAINST somebody worse.
There's not a dime's worth of difference between McLame and Hitlery except Hitlery is better hung, and Obama? Don't make me laugh.
Even with me and quite a few other conservatives sitting this one out, McLame will prolly win; after all, we are not his base anyway.
And the country will go down the crapper either way.
I didn't leave the Repugnican Party, IT left ME.
RD, Independent.
That's a relief. Call me intolerant, but I was a little worried about the prospect of a Mormon President ( I was born & raised in Utah. I can tell you from personal experience that Mormonism is a weird, spooky cult.) There needs to be less religion in politics, not more, spookier religion.
I dunno.
Any candidate (or candidates) that get so many fat cat, rich, white republicans (and RollerDave) that freaked out and worried MUST be OK.
There is nothing funnier than seeing the Republican party in such disarray and chaos after all these years of being in the Driver's Seat.
And I love how the Governor from Stepford put it by saying that a vote for the Democrats is a vote for Terrorism. This is exactly why he shouldn't be Pres.