You told me about the weirdo's what about the drunks??

by karter 16 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Priest73

    I don't like alcohol, but it sure likes me.

    I concur. I knew several elders who could polish off a handle of bourbon, and not think twice.

    Come to think of it one used to buy me beer when I was under age.

  • VanillaMocha73

    The elder who slurped down a 6 pack at our house and then attempted to drive his young nephew home and test drive a car for his sister? He protested loudly when I refused to give him his keys and df'd me a few months later...... Totally unrelated right? The elders who read the WT recommendation that they try going without alcohol for a month (in the 80s) and they laughed.... couldn't do it.

  • Layla33

    This was one of the first realizations I had that all was not as it seemed within the JW organization. I was finally allowed to work outside the house and I remember talking to a Christian woman, a very devoted Christian woman who I told about the JW organization and she asked very plainly, "why is it that JWs try to act so much more spiritual than everyone, yet they are known for how much they drink and the parties with tons of alcohol served has always seemed strange to me". When she said it, I rewind in my mind how many times I saw JW's drink and drunk. She wasn't lying.

  • SirNose586

    Even my old man, who normally doesn't even drink beer casually, wanted a margarita after the S.A.D. He couldn't get one, so he got a beer and proceeded to guzzle that down.

    When I go over to this one brother's house--they are pretty close to my family--I am usually offered hard liquor. I would be content with a few beers but they need help polishing off their booze.

  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy

    My wife's uncle.

    This guy is rediculous. Now to all the good alkys and drunks out there please don't feel like I am knocking you. It is this hypcritical turd that I am going after. He is a bully drunk or sober. He was pretty much raised in the truth and he is in his mid fifties now. When he got married he beat his poor wife silly on a daily basis. This poor sould would simply say his name and say please don't be so mean.....Then he had the nerve to be mad at his wife because her mom thought he was an ass. When her mom died about ten years ago he said he was glad she died.

    Over all the years his wife has remaained a solid jw. She is one of the biggest gossips I know. But she is a sweet person, meek and mild. She raised her kids thru uncle fuckstick's drunken stupor. They are all well within the bounds of the compound and serve as ms and pioneers. About a year ago he got all holy-moly. Now he wants to be an elder. He tells everyone that he put his kids thru college and they are all IN THE TRUTH and we should all respect his drunk ass. One of his nephews said under his breath that he was a drunk and an asshole. The uncle asked him what he said and he said nothing. SoUncle fuckstick's middle daughter said he called you an asshole daddy. Uncle punch him in the chest so hard he flew threw the kitchen and broke out the garage door. Broke a couple of the kids ribs too.

    When he asked the elders to make him an elder they cited his over thirty years of inactivity, his drunkenness and his bullying attitude as reasons not to. So he got mad and left the hall from the north cong to the south cong. Then he was throwing expensive dinners for teh elders of the new cong. They all came and ate! The the co came and he ate shrimp cocktails like the others. Then tehy told him he needed to pioneer. So he does. Thing is he comes back and gets drunk. He was going to work and some guy made him mad so he punched him out. He got them both fired. He comes back from service and says that it is wonderful to be out in the field doing Jah's work. The husbands out picking oranges and cutting grapes and him servicing the wives in their homes.

    I am so tired of this ass. I have told my fil and my wife that I intend to kick his ass in and they say to pleeeeze not. So out of love and respect for them I have not. But I can't say he won't cross a line and I will do that forever. I don't mind a drunk, but a wife abuser is something I can't stomach.

  • loosie
    The elders who read the WT recommendation that they try going without alcohol for a month (in the 80s) and they laughed.

    I forgot about this. My did succeed at abstaining for a month and then on day 31 went right to her case a day. I think the 30 days off proved nothing.

  • megawatt

    Biggest drunkards I know are still witnesses. You name it, it happened. Wife swap, body shots, clothes coming off and pretty much a good time, except waking up the next morning and doing field service hung over telling people about god's kingdom. Yup, that was me at my finest. I think back now and can't believe I kept that regiment of telling people of god's kingdom and that following afternoon partying with publishers, pioneers, ministerial servants and yes, sometimes elders. Always a tight knit circle of friends that were "cool" when shit got out of hand. And "cool" meaning of course that you won't end up in front of 3 elders in the back room in the next couple weeks...

    Funny, I stopped the ridiculous heavy drinking ever weekend whenever I started fading away. I still party and get blitzed ect., but a far cry on how frequent compared to my witness days and realized on my way out that there's other things to look forward to than to go hangout with the secretive party group in the hall every weekend.

    I guess it was a rush "flirting with disaster" or "testing the waters", seeing how far we can go. But, there was always somebody who felt the need to confess, bring the shenanigans to an end and we stop for a few months. But then, we fall right back into the cycle after things settled down, until it went a little too far and someone went crying to the elders that they committed an "unclean" act. For example, Pioneer Jane got a little tipsy, one thing led to another and she ended up DRY HUMPING Bethelite prospect Joe. She needed to confess according to the WTS, cause her lady parts were stimulated and felt the need to go into graphic detailed in front of 3 old men about the incident. Most of the time it was petty stuff, but there were incidents that got to a full on orgy status. And since I was good friends with this tight knit circle, of course I "witnessed" (lol) and participated as well. Being single at the time, not much was at stake, and of course the following week after the meeting, I'll end up in the back room, explained what happened, only to get privately reproved or a slap on the wrist, make sure I keep my meeting attendance and hours up and everything was forgotten in a few months.

    Believe it or not, there's always a group that's a bit frisky in every hall. I don't know what it is, if there's pent up aggression causing such extremes in character or people really let there guard down and have no issue with doing exactly what they condemn as worldly acts going door to door or from the podium since they're amongst "friends" .

    Either way, I'm glad to have NO part of that circus anymore...

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