only part of meeting you enjoyed

by martinwellborne 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • Layla33

    When the prayer was ending at the end of the meeting...

  • freedomfighter

    When the circus was over and i could go home and try to be normal.


  • blondie

    the end

  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    The Watchtower. As a lowly female, it was one of the few places I could really express myself, at least until towards the end. After a while, the conductor refused to call upon me.

  • Finally-Free

    There was one elder who was a real pompous windbag. He once counseled me for having bad breath. I later found out from his wife that he hated garlic with a passion. From then on I made it a point to eat souvlaki before the Tuesday meetings, and I'd double up on the tzatziki sauce. I'd get to the hall early, wait for him, take a deep breath and greet him, exhaling in the general direction of his face.

    That was my favourite part of the meetings.


  • Uzzah

    Finally Free - He counselled other elders about the same thing. I told him to buy mints & pass them out or put Vicks under his nose.

    I enjoyed and still enjoy public speaking. But the best part was usually any socializing afterwards. The traditional trips to the "Muddy Duck" were always fun.

  • Finally-Free
    Finally Free - He counselled other elders about the same thing. I told him to buy mints & pass them out or put Vicks under his nose.

    Vicks!!! Why didn't I think of that?

    Damn, you're good!


  • cognac

    I don't mind the entire meeting anymore!!!

    I sit there and do my own research and that will one of these days get me in trouble... I'm trying to see how far I can push it... lol... If they say anything, I'll just be like, "oh, wow, so sorry... Can you explain it to me then?" Then ask them a hundred other questions to "get my thinking right on the matter"... lol

    I went up to an elder and asked if he had a list of "what is against our conscious and what is not against our conscious". He just laughed and said he couldn't even keep it straight... lol..

  • WTWizard

    I liked it when there was an announcement that someone has been disfellowshipped.

    I also liked it when I got a phone call about an hour and a half before it was supposed to start, telling me that the meeting has been cancelled.

  • nelly136

    Bob Drewett playing the piano , he rocked the songs but was always getting told off for making them too happy. god forbid anyone should be enjoying em.

    best time of meeting was the amen at the end. sigh of relief, thank 'F' thats over!

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