The truth is that OBVES is obsessed with numbers.
The truth, the whole truth and nothing like the truth
by martinwellborne 21 Replies latest watchtower bible
If you don't understand that you are in a very precarious situation and don't know where the true action is today !
We have some people who are making great predictions.
Right now there is a preacher Ronald Weinland who has the book " 2008 .God's Final Witness " and his messages are to be verified this year ! Fascinating and interesting to know what will happen and I by using my understanding of the Bible ,including calculations have good reasons to refute Weinland .
The most challenging however is Harold Camping with his prediction for 2011 AD the same date as I have come up independently .
Just now I have audio tape with him talking and I could listen to him for hours and yet he is my opponent .He is making good sense many times. I am learning by listening to his program.
The calculations I am presenting on some internet forums show God Yahweh must exist if we understand the timeline alone in combination with the Bible .
I can hold to the view that the Holy Writings were for the people that lived up to 106 AD if I discard my calculations .
Many people don't realize the implications of ignoring my calculations based on the Bible.Read more of my posts .
Can you prove the Bible is for all the people in our times?
The truth is Obves has already made predictions for years that have passed, and he was just as convinced back then.
The truth is there are many things we don't know yet, so let's wait until we do instead of making wild guesses and going crazy with the old imagination.
I am least comfortable with people who claim they have Mr. Truth on their side, and most comfortable with people who find Mr. Truth to be an elusive figure.
Homerovah the Almighty
The truth is that the WTS. has and always will be a corrupt commercial venture that was deliberately orchestrated with the intension of utilizing and manipulating the belief in the Bible
to market its published literature. There is nothing spiritual or righteous about that is there...........hence " The truth"
The elusive "Truth". Everyone would like to know what it is but no one can seem to find it. Very strange if you ask me
No, it's not the TRUTH!!!! It's the TROOF!!
well done annomaly, i'm the come back kid
Here it is:
ALL Religion is a snare and a racket. (Some things WTS said are the truth.)
If you think you can handle the truth, read on. (Especially OBVES)You see, back in the days when Jesus was groomed to be the Messiah,
the anointed king, a political position for a man, the Zealots were not happy that
he said to "pay back Ceasar's things to Ceasar." They wanted their Messiah
(a man who has oil poured on him and is declared king, no more than that) to
declare that they should not be loyal to Rome and Ceasar.Apparently, Jesus, a man in the line of David who could declare royal lineage,
was aided to become King of the Jews for political reasons. He had 12 loyal
subjects, possibly to rule the 12 tribes. The Zealots helped him to reach a point
where he might attain power, but Jesus knew that meant his death. He hoped
to appease the Romans by declaring that the tax was okay by him.
Somehow, this all blew up in his face and he was crucified. He would no longer
be teaching the wisdom of the Egyptians to the Jews. Perhaps it was also
because he taught that he is a "son of God" just as all men can be sons of God
if they "feel the calling" or whatever preacher-language he used, perhaps it was
this so-called blasphemy of his that made the Sanhedrin want his destruction.
He was teaching people to become free from the shackles of their Jewish
religion and just pay the stinking Romans their taxes, then life would be better.After his death (or possibly his escape with Mary Magdeline out of the country)
his twelve men were led by Jesus' brother James. They continued to try to
"fight the power." Other people had other ideas, though. This guy Saul, or Paul
picked up the ball dropped by Jesus and ran with it. He never met the guy, but
he saw that religion was a profitable snare and a racket.Paul made Jesus larger than life. People won't follow a man as well as they will
follow a God (or divine one or God-like one or son-of-God or whatever you believe).
Pauline Christianity struggled for a few centuries- afterall, many knew Jesus wasn't
more than a man. Eventually, those that knew the truth died off. Now any lies
could be told. Hell, we can't even get people to agree that the Holocaust happened
less than 65 years ago. How are people going to know the truth of what happened
a couple hundred years ago?The emperor used religion as a snare and a racket. He solidified the Christian faith
and decided what truths and rumors about the Messiah (a man who gets oil poured
on him to become king) to keep and which ones to squash. What Paul started to
do for Jesus (make him larger than life) the Nicean Council finished.One day, if it survives, a papyrus document written by Jesus himself may surface.
It would show that he was just a man. It won't be inspired or particularly important
looking. Regardless of the evidence that it is authentic, it will never become public
knowledge that it was found. The snare and racket will disqualify it's validity if they
cannot burn it. Perhaps this has happened time and again throughout history.We will just have to live with that. That is the truth.
Otherwise, I don't even understand this thread and what point you all are trying to make.
Tyrone van leyen
I really like your ideas On the Way Out. Thats fresh. Sounds good to me. An essay worth keeping in mind!