What it it about that "not being good enough, not 'in'" that holds us down? It's self destructive and sucks the joy out of life . I guess we just keep tryin.
by Cindi_67 33 Replies latest jw friends
And He Ran
It's very true, growing up as a JW drains the ambition out of you. The number of times I heard the phrase "Why polish the brash on a sinking ship?" from the platform was unbelievable. Over and over they discouraged people from furthering themselves, from entering higher education.
PS Skeeter1, that quote was Shakespeare, from Hamlet.
I mentioned about senior citizens earlier. Just to let all know, I mean no disrespect to seniors, it's just that after working for 35 years, I realized that all work makes me a dull boy. After a long period of backbreaking work, your payout should be a wonderful retirement. Learning is an ongoing process, but getting up when you want to is much better than 9-5 'till you croak. My FIL died a few years ago before he could retire at 64.
"talking" to all of you has made me feel a lot better. In fact, the other day I spoke with my best friend who's also an inactive witness and she told me she is going back to school to become a nurse, and that did it for me. I will first see how I can get some financial help, who knows maybe I am eligible for a scholarship. I will also study something related to the medical field, don't know about becoming a nurse, but I want to try for anything that will get me in close to the action of helping other people.
Thanks to all of you who have encouraged me, you've been great. Good luck to all of you who are still thinking about it, we are young and we can do it.