Would you support a witness who was refusing a transfusion?

by Caedes 30 Replies latest social relationships

  • Caedes

    I was thinking about what I would do if a family member was in the situation of refusing a blood transfusion. If the doctors were trying to force them to accept a transfusion, would I support my family members right to choose or would I take the position that they are brainwashed and are incapable of making a rational choice on the matter?

    Does the fact that they are hopelessly ill informed take away from their right to make a choice that they know will kill them?

    I'm not sure I have a satisfactory answer, what does everyone else think?

  • hillbilly

    I would never trample on anyones right to act as they think they should. And I would expect those people to respect my decisions too.

    Mis-informed as it may be, it's their descision. I would interviene briskly if it was a child however.


  • sweetface2233

    If I want my family to support my wishes of accepting blood, I would need to support their wishes of refusing it. Would anyone here go against a DNR order that a family member had in place? Would that not be comparable?

  • noni1974

    I believe that everyone has a right to do what the believe to be right.If that means no blood then I'll support that.It would kill me but it's not my place to force my thinking on someone else.

    However I myself reserve the right to make my own desicions as well.I've taken that out of my parents hands.I have a living will that expressly says I will except blood.My parents told me to do that.That way they don't have to feel guilty for not following my wishes.

  • ex-nj-jw

    I would respect their decision to refuse but would not sign consent for them to refuse if they were not capable. If it were a child, that's a totally different matter.


  • ldrnomo

    My grandmother before she die, (God rest her soul) LOL

    she would always say about other people in her heavy Italian accent

    "to-a heach his-a own-a"

    If someone want's to die this way, let it be

    they may be ill informed but it was their decision to be ill informed after all

    We don't go around pulling cigarettes out of peoples mouth to keep them living, why should we go around sticking IV's with blood into their veins.

    as for me and my family, we shall accept any thing that may help us to continue living this life that God gave us

  • MissingLink

    I don't think anyone under 18 should be allowed to martyr themselves. If I had teenage witness kids, I would defintley try to override their decision and save their life. Even if they never talked to me again, at least they'd be alive, and I wouldn't be haunted by that inaction.

  • Robert7

    If it were my immediate family, and if it came down to life/death and it were up to me, I would not support it. I could never let my family die due to the blood issue.

    The first thought that comes to mind is sargeant in Forrest Gump. He was so mad that he was not allowed to die in battle, but later thanked him for saving him.

    I bet most Witnesses ultimately would appreciate life over death (over the blood issue). Crazy concept I know :smile:

  • skyking

    To all of you, I had to decide make this life and death decision. 14 years ago I was a Jdub willing to die and let die. The state of Washington took legal action against me wishes not to let my baby girl have a transfusion. I personally would of never forgave a friend or a family member if they had information showing me the Jdubs was wrong on blood. I was lucky my girl survived my stupidity.

    I would try to show them they are wrong on blood then support their decision,

  • free2beme

    It is their life, their choice.


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