Christian love, my @$$

by mindfield 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • unclebruce

    How can we love your ass if we don't know what it looks like? I guess you typed right the first time .. more often it's yer @$$ets christians really love. hee hee hee

    unclebruce, not serving oral roberts and fed up with people offering me thier butts to kiss but refusing to lower thier pants!


    NotPerfect - .. 'conduct unbecomming of Jehovah' .. never heard anyone being acused of that .. lol.

  • LDH

    When I was df'd I was in a SUPERMARKET (hello, how freakin huge are they???) when an elder's wife walked in with her two kids.

    She saw me, and turned them around and marched them out.

    Eat your heart out, Diana B. I bet you're still wearing that mint green dress and electric blue eyeshadow combo.

  • wannahelp

    Ahh, yeah...

    Everything I've read and was told of good old "Christian Love" between witnesses is once again exemplified..

    Sorry you have to feel it Fed Up...

    BTW: I have this thing when I say Hi! to someone, and they don't respond... My usual reply if they don't respond is a very simple, humble, "How very Christian of you.. Good Day!"

    Usually they are shocked, and I get a hello out of them!!!

  • serenaj92

    I was in a grocery store, just getting there when I saw someone run out of the store to his van, it was one of the elders. I didn't know they could run!!!

    Anyhow, I was just talking with a friend that has a bachelors in Psychology and asked him where they get this shunning idea from. He said Pavlov's dog. When the dog did something he wanted it to do he would ring a bell and give him a treat. Eventually when he would ring the bell the dog would drull on automatic response. So this is what they are teaching and why. They just haven't figured out that it doesn't work on humans. So who is the one that will go to a kingdom hall and start barking now? I really would love to hear the response of the people if that actually happens!

  • Vitameatavegamin

    Hey fed up,

    I hear you. I am going through the same crap. Last year, my 12 year old son's best friend was no longer allowed to associate with him. Why? because we were'nt "regular" enough at meetings. His mother however allowed him to associate with another boy in the hall because he WAS regular at meetings. The outcome? The other boy ended up in some serious trouble. My son by the way has never been in trouble and has better moral values than most of the young people who were at the meetings. Twisted huh? In the meantime my son was so devastated that he does not even wan't to attend the Kingdom hall any more. Tragic..... Good luck Fed up. Wish you well!


  • WildHorses

    Fed up, please check your e-mail. It has nothing to do with this post though. I just have a it of news for you

    "I don't want someone in my life I can live with, I want someone in my life I can't live without."

  • Escargot

    Always show love, be above it all........

  • mommy

    Geez even the dog said Hi!
    (((((fed up)))))

    On a side note~Edward Gentry...that was very, very mean! You big bully you.

    Blind faith can justify anything.~Richard Dawkins

  • mindfield

    Mi amore! My heart burns for you, my love! (oops... other people are reading this, aren't they? anyway)

    Edward Gentry? I don't get it...
    Oh, and mommy?

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