We all know how regular meeting attendance is the ultimate way of measuring the "faith" of those among the religion, other than field service reports. What do you think would happen with the attendance numbers if you were only encouraged to go as a sort of option, if you weren't hounded for not attending regularly?
What if regular meeting attendance wasn't a requirement?
by R.F. 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Open mind
I'm seeing a date.
Hold on.
Ok, I've got it.
October 24, 1929.
Meeting Junkie No More
Interesting question. I think I would be more inclined to go, because it would be voluntary and not expected. Of course, the meeting content would have to drastically change, but maybe that would automatically happen if attendance wasn't mandatory and a program had to be devised that would actually create interest in people to WANT to attend.
I think you may have hit the nail on the head as to why more and more are leaving. At least for me, the mandatory attendance was beginning to feel like a noose around my neck.
Good question!
The regimented and frequent meetings is a big tool in the mind control of the JW's. I think if meetings were optional they would lose their hold on many so gradually people would stop going altogether.
If it wasn't a reqirement in a year time it would dwindle down to just the GB, and shareholders attending once a year for the anual stockholders meeting report.
If it wasn't a requirement, then more may actually attend.
It's a psychological thing.
I'm too of the opinion of a couple of the others and thinks that meeting attendance would either stay where it is or actually rise. I think that being constantly hounded about attending and then being told that you aren't doing enough when you are there is a big let down for many.
Watchtower-1989-March-15-p.14 "To benefit from that direction, several things are required of us as individuals: (1) We need to appreciate Jehovah’s organization, as Joshua did. In our case, such appreciation involves cooperating with the Christian congregation of anointed ones, “the faithful and discreet slave” and its Governing Body. (Matthew 24:45-47; compare Acts 16:4.)And this appreciation involves regularity in meeting attendance."
Optional meeting attendance doesn't make any of their bullcrap doctrines and polices any easier to swallow.