Will you scan this?--by request! Request from researcher: Atlantis, I am not sure how to embed pictures in my posts so will you scan these two pages for me? How can blood save your life, page-7, and then scroll down and look for the same picture at this link: http://www.portlandbible.com/en/images/RansomAndRest.htm What I am trying to figure out is, who took the same picture from who? I couldn't find a date in the PABS brochure. *************************************************************** My comments: Sure, I will be happy to do that for you! N. ****************************************************** Portland Area Bible Students brochure, "Ransom And Restitution."
The trials of the Church and of the world are different. | One difference between the experiences of the world under trial and the experiences of the Church during her trial will be that the obedient of the world will begin at once to receive the blessings of restitution by a gradual removal of their weaknesses--mental and physical; whereas the Gospel Church, consecrated to the Lord's service even unto death, goes down into death and gets her perfection instantaneously in the first resurrection. Another difference between the two trials is in the more favorable surroundings of the next age as compared with this, in that then society, government, etc., will be favorable to righteousness, rewarding faith and obedience, and punishing sin; whereas now, under the prince of this world, the Church's trial is under circumstances unfavorable to righteousness, faith, etc. But this, we have seen, is to be compensated for in the prize of the glory and honor of the divine nature offered to the Church, in addition to the gift of everlasting life. |
Scroll down: http://www.portlandbible.com/en/images/RansomAndRest.htm http://www.portlandbible.com/History2.cfm Watchtower brochure, "How Can Blood Save Your Life," p.7
N. |