Maybe they're keeping the doctrine but they are not writing about it as much in the Watchtower.
Below are statistics’ from their 07 CD showing how many times 1914 was mentioned in the Watchtower for each year 1950 to 2006 .
I have divided the years 1950 – 2006 into segments of eight excepting for the last, which is nine.
On the side I have the average for those years.
Notice they have gone from 88.87 a year to 24.44.
That sure looks like a downgrading to me.
What do you think?
50 90
51 119
52 74
53 102
54 92
55 107
56 82
57 45
711 88.87
58 67
59 122
60 139
61 76
62 93
63 28
64 68
65 45
538 67.25
66 150
67 142
68 62
69 96
70 78
71 80
72 49
73 58
715 89.37
74 80
75 60
76 33
77 21
78 69
79 72
80 57
81 64
456 57
82 77
83 143
84 178
85 81
86 73
87 59
88 50
89 45
706 88.25
90 65
91 49
92 87
93 54
94 62
95 32
96 37
97 50
322 40.25
98 40
99 17
00 20
01 23
02 13
03 14
04 52
05 18
06 23
220 24.44