This drama opens with a typical JW family after their weekly watchtower study. The son asks a question regarding how many people will be destroyed during armageddon and how long it will last and the proceeds to give statistics for how many will have to die per day if it lasts for one year! The father recites the scripture about 'though thousands you will see fall yes at your very side' and the daughter proceeds to bust into song number 44...with the above quoted line 'thoughhh thousandssss you will seeee fall...yes at your very sideeee' her father says 'very good jenny!!' and the mother chimes in next with 'What a beautiful song!' O.o dear god...this was 1973 which means my butt was probably parked at an assembly listening to this drivel. If anyone wants to hear this for themselves here's the drama:
sorry I totally suck at trying to post stuff