Can you still blush?

by IP_SEC 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • IP_SEC

    I dont think I can. I dont think there is anything I could hear or see that would make me turn red or cause my mouth to hang agape. Its used to be a source of pride for me. Now Im not so sure its that great of a thing.

    Can you still blush?

  • FlyingHighNow

    I blush. Usually it's something embarrassing I said though.

    Hey, I knew you were pulling my leg about blushing. Fire hoses, uh huh.

  • Priest73

    I blush every time I say panties in mixed company.

  • FlyingHighNow
    I blush every time I say panties in mixed company.

    That's funny. Today I was talking to the guy I am dating. He always puts me on speaker phone. Well, I was telling him how the house was so hot during the night, I opened the window and stripped down to my panties. And then his dad piped up and said, "Oh son, you're on the phone? Pardon me." I think I blushed. It's hard to tell with these hot flashes I've been getting lately.

  • Maddie

    I used to have a terrible problem with blushing when I was young, but not much now although sometimes I still do.


  • JWdaughter

    I blush like an Irish virgin.
    Someone told me that once:)

    It only got worse after 3 kids and a diagnosis of rosacea:) Not bad, but when I blush, I BLUSH.

  • IP_SEC

    You mean OAFS? Over Active Freckle Syndrome? Freckles are hot. Yum.

  • tnangel73

    I blush. Pretty funny, too. My coworkers think that it is hilarious. Now does anything shock me anymore? No, not really.

  • free2think

    Not much shocks me and when i do blush, which is very rarely, you can't tell with my skin tone.

  • NewYork44M

    It has been a while since I experienced a blush.

    But, I am willing to try. FlyinghighNow, can you do something outrageous that will make me blush? We will see what happens.

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