Freemasons, tied to JW's?

by hanginloose 27 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Dead Man Joaquin
    Dead Man Joaquin

    No link, eh? Is that what your 33rd Degree Worshipful Grand Poobah told you?

  • Quentin

    It gets silly...ah well, folks will believe what they wish....

  • Dead Man Joaquin
    Dead Man Joaquin

    The WT and the Masons have similar M.O.s in that they are both secretive organizations who will only reveal certain information to initiates. The WT's secrecy and initiation processes aren't as overt but they are undeniable.

  • Dead Man Joaquin
    Dead Man Joaquin

    I don't trust any organizations who operate under a veil of secrecy and elitism - Freemasonry and the Watchtower included.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    JFK once said when visitiing West Berlin, "Ich bin ein Berliner" (I am a Berliner).

    Simpletons might conclude that the President of the US must have lived in Berlin or beeen raised there.

    People who know how to discern the meaning of things do not make that mistake.

    So it was also with CTR, who was not a Free Mason, but used the term empathetically.

  • freydi

    CTR should have been more careful.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    A correct statement would be The International Bible Students were closely associated with the Free Masons

    I recently saw a pamphlet advertisement of a discourse by the IBS. at where else a Masonic hall here actually in Vancouver.

    There is also a reliable document list of members of a Pittsburgh Masonic Lodge and Russell"s name was on the list as a Knights Templar.

    It seems though as he was building his own following and direction he purposely started to distance himself from the Masons.

    It is also understood that many businessmen that were established in the same area as Russell's stores were also involved with the Masons.

    This establishes a more than likely association

  • kwr

    Thanks slip and slide master. That clears it up for me, if the document is authentic.

  • kurtbethel

    My research has pointed to several intersections between Bible Students and freemasonry.

    There are the obvious symbols, such as pyramid, cross & crown, winged solar disk, and several others that are shared by both schools of thought.

    There is also shared terminology. "New World Order", "New Order", "New World", "widow's son" and "fatherless boy", "Golden Age", "Golden Dawn", "Millenial Dawn" are several that immediately come to mind.

    Following these links lead to interesting connections. One branch leads to the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. There are further links to Rosicrucians and other groups, some of which teach of the Four Watchtowers at the corners of the Earth. One interesting connection leads to Aleister Crowley, whose disciple Jack Parsons was involved in rocket research along with the occult. His activities were part of the founding of the JPL in Pasadena, which is the agency that manages planetary space probes. Parsons was closely associated with L. Ron Hubbard, founder of Scientology.

    Wandering down all these rabbit holes can sure make your head spin.

  • Dead Man Joaquin
    Dead Man Joaquin

    Yup. The cross and crown is a Templar symbol. The winged sun-disk is Masonic. And then there's the Great Pyramid...

    The Anglicized bastardization, "Jehovah", of the "unpronounceable" Hebrew divine name, is the most important word in Freemasonry.

    Also: "New World" translation... Guess what Illuminist buzzword symbolizes the "New World"?

    COLUMBIA. As in 25 Columbia Heights.

    Another interesting "coincidence". And "25" is the square of 5. Guess how many "points" the Watchtower logo has?

    What else has 5 points?

    I admit these, and other, connections could be pure coincidence... but ya gotta wonder...

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