Why Religion?

by hillary_step 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • Xena
    I have no issue with a person having a spiritual dimension, but I wonder why people have difficulty accepting that the religion that an individual makes up inside their head is no more or less worthy than the ones other people have made up in their heads.

    Not everyone has difficulty accepting this. At the church I attended in Texas the minister was very clear that this was the path he and those of this congergation had chosen but it wasn't the only path and that other paths were just as acceptable. That was why I went to that church, I don't care for churches that teach their way is the only way. I think the people that go to those churches like the idea of feeling superior to others, I had enough of that as a dub.

    Why do people feel the need to have others tell them what to believe and how to think?

    Again not everyone feels this way. I often wonder why some people have this need as well, especially ex-dubs. You would think after finding out our last belief system was bogus we would be leary of pushing any new ones.

    Simplistic though this may sound, this is at the basis of all religion.

    Is it indeed?

    Does religion scratch the itch of our insecurities?

    I think it fills different needs in different people.



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