Tula - you didn't answer my question or I never saw your answer. You were never a JW, why are you so obsessed?
Seeking the truth has always been an obsession for me my whole life.
It has nothing to do with JW-ism. Why is not being a JW a point with you?
Please do not misunderstand what I am about to say because I do not mean this to you personally.
JWs have a great tendency to be arrogant, like they think they are special because they have "god's name". (That will soon change) They also tend to think they are special because they have been somehow convinced that the secrets of the universe will be imparted only to them.
JWs arrogantly reason that no one else can know any the meaning of any Bible scriptures...only them. And only because the fictional FDS tells them what it means. (Rather, what they want you to think it means.)
Jesus is the mediator between God and man. Not the FDS. The FDS was nothing more than a fictional character in a parable. Jesus was a live human being.
Any organization which does not teach you that Jesus is the mediator and is approachable by any and all people is anti-christ.
The things to come, the things that are in progress and not yet revealed, will affect everyone on this planet.
Yes, I am obsessed with seeking truth because I always believed it when Jesus said if you keep seeking you will find.