So lets say the "End " has come and gone . Cut to the "new system" What will we have to read? What use is the bible anymore? hasnt it fullfilled its purpose? Has anyone ever asked what will happen then? I asked once and was told new books would be opened for us . whats your thoughts?
Will the Bible be discarded after Armagedon?
by annalice 15 Replies latest jw friends
New scrolls will be opened and you will be told that the Armageddon you feared will not come. There will be no more door-knocking.
Actually, this will be THE GREAT DECEPTION.
Hey! I asked that question when i was a little kid when my mom was getting us into the org. the sister that i was studying with told me that after Armageddon was over that we did not need the bible b/c we would not be preaching any more...we all live in an utopian society...all the faithful men of old we be on paradise earth etc,etc. i was never told that new scrolls/books would open up for us...may be this was a teaching b4 i was born LOL.
Then we will all become fishers of fish not men. We will have vast librarys of books on you guessed it fishing. These books will contain wisdom of the ages on subjects such as, how to bait a hook properly, the right bait to use, and not to be left out a cookbook.
Since armageddon ain't ever coming, i would expect the bible to be ditched from serious consideration, at some point.
S -
After Armageddon, you'd still have the thousand years, and your main reading materials then would be some combination of the Bible, the new scrolls, and the Watchtower magazine.
After the thousand years, and all the scum have been cleared off the earth, you'd only need love. Or something like that.
We must see God Yahweh and the Bible using our common sense when we study the Bible. To be happy we don't need God destroy the heavens and earth the saved people don't need ungodly people around . So the life in the Paradise will be an extension of the present life but in much better conditions.
The Bible will be studied for many generations to come after the end of the world . Simply it depends on how we understand God's plan of salvation.
I wrote posts on the topic of resurrection and chronology in the end-times.
What I am expecting from God Yahweh in the Paradise ?
Since I am His servant unmarried God assures me in Psalm 128 I will have a wife and children .I don't have now and I am waiting for the Paradise and the words in Psalm 128 God will fulfill for sure !
I would like to have good dreams which I enjoy greatly now . I would like to learn all languages of the world and sing all songs man created and play all musical instruments one by one . When learn one language by learning others I will forget the language and I will learn it again ,say , 1 000 000 years later . I want to play all forms of sports one at a time. This will take million years to do !
Then I would like to see every place on this planet and live there for some time ,say 1 000 years ,and move to another place.
I would like to read all the books man has ever produced ! I have a very good collections of books at home for years and till now-may be- I have not read one completely page by page !
I would like to know the whole history of mankind in vision or movies or dreams and the lives of all the people who have ever lived on the face of the earth !For that I would need billions upon billions of years of life . That is why only God Yahweh can do it for me through my faith in His Son Yahshua the Messiah by giving me life everlasting.
I have a question for Obves. If all life came from Adam and Eve, how come we are speaking hundreds of languages? Why would we not all speak the original language those 2 spoke? Makes more sense to speak one language around the world? Why did that not happen?
It will be used for a door stopper and paper weight.
We dont have to worry about it. If the end comes it will be the end for us here.
If all life came from Adam and Eve, how come we are speaking hundreds of languages? Why would we not all speak the original language those 2 spoke? Makes more sense to speak one language around the world? Why did that not happen?
If all life came from evolution, why do we speak different languages?
It's the tower of Babel silly !!!