Is love enough?

by wings 11 Replies latest social relationships

  • wings

    This is a continuation in the conversation started by 'thegoodgirl'..."How long do you stay in love".

    I don't get to spend time on this site very often, but, I hate ending a thread two days late.

    I would like to dove tail with this question "Is love enough?" So many of us have marriages, families, etc..., within the borg. When we want out of the borg, but don't want to lose our loved ones, is love enough? Just how much of a difference does love make when our lives get real?

    I too have my story of love, hanging on by a thread. One that I thought never would break. Will love be enough? Because it is certainly there.

  • Barbie Doll
    Barbie Doll

    We all want to be loved.

    Someone to care about us.

    It takes two people to make it work, to stay in love.

  • wings

    I don't think it is enough. Yes, it takes two, but sometimes there is no middle ground without sacrifices too great.

  • beksbks

    I'm sorry to say, I don't think love is enough.

  • heathen

    Don't think so in this world. Most relationships fail over money than sex . Apparently you better be able to keep a certain lifestyle or it's doomed.

  • beksbks

    Hmm well, I wasn't thinking money or sex, I was thinking more along the lines of shared goals, responsibility, and respect.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Love is an important element but not enough on its own.

    Love is 'merely' the glue which holds everything else together

  • prophecor

    At a distance, I've seen enough to know that relationships require, way more than just love alone, in order for them to work. Actually, I was surprised to find that, relationally, without the scriptures as a guidepost, many are either of superficial substance or are doomed to self destruct over time. I was surprised, as well, JUST HOW MUCH INFORMATION, "Christendom" had on how to scripturally fireproof one's relationship, long before it becomes a problem.

    They have pre-martial councellors who are able to help you, step by step, prepare you for the hours when love can, and usually does, get difficult. They give evidence of how the Bible's to be used in order to frame out our relationships with our potential, future partner. Honestly, if Jehovah's Witnesses spent, even 1/10th of the time that so many Churches are, in the business of cultivating a couple's marriage, with counselling, information regarding relationships in the form of books from outside vendors, partnershipping in prayer and just a wealth of things that they support you with, so many of Jehovah's Witnesses marriages might be saved from the door.

  • Crumpet

    Love is the fuel of a relationship, not the solution.

    Sometimes the power cuts out and you need to go down to the basement with a flashflight, and kick start the generator.

  • wings
    heathen: Don't think so in this world. Most relationships fail over money than sex . Apparently you better be able to keep a certain lifestyle or it's doomed

    I think we could survive a lifestyle change, I just couldn't face raising my grandkids around the lies and double standards and creepy doctrines of the JW's. For me, that is when love wasn't enough. I just lost my ability fight it anymore.

    beksbks: I wasn't thinking money or sex, I was thinking more along the lines of shared goals, responsibility, and respect

    I agree, when I was faced with true honesty about not believing, really not believing, I in a moment lost his respect. A true JW will always believe you (an unbeliever) are under the influence of Satan, weak, worldy, wrong in your thinking. Then also needing to protect against the "Satan cooties" that might jump off you; must always be on gaurd. That is a hard row to hoe when you are trying to cultivate mutual respect.

    sad emo: Love is 'merely' the glue which holds everything else together

    Well put. Even though 'merely', it is magical and wonderful and can work miracles.

    prophecor: I was surprised, as well, JUST HOW MUCH INFORMATION, "Christendom" had on how to scripturally fireproof one's relationship, long before it becomes a problem.

    I am amazed at just how much BAD INFORMATION the JW's are taught concerning "Christendom". Amazing. Do you think it might be a threat to them?

    Crumpet: Sometimes the power cuts out and you need to go down to the basement with a flashflight, and kick start the generator.

    LOL. There is some serious wisdom there.

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