I'm going through it this weekend. The right foot big toe joint. I get this every couple of years and it is the most painful thing I've ever experienced. Taking massive doses of Advil. If it follows the usual pattern I've got a couple more days until I can walk without white hot pain. This old picture captures it perfectly.
Ever have a gout attack?
by Gregor 32 Replies latest jw friends
my dad had it. He would eat cherries and stop an attack cold. So long as he ate cherries every few days or so.... no more gout. Hope that helps, it sounds really painful, but hey, it means you've been eating like the ruling class!
I'll try the cherries. Thanks
If it's anything like a charlie horse, it could be a lack of potassium. I pop one of them whenever I get one of those cramps and it's gone for a month. Wifey says eat a banana. Not a big fruit eater, but fruit is supposed to help.
If you go to a doctor they will most likely give you an injection of Indocin/Indomethicin a very effective but hard on the liver nsaid. You can take 800 mg of the advil three times a day but I never found it to be as effective as the Indocin. If you go to the doc most likely they'll put you also on allopurinol which keeps the uric acid levels down.
I agree with the cherry thing but I can recommend one better: go to the healthfood store (if you have one) and see if they have Bitter Cherry Juice. I can't remember if the juice was concentrated or not just that I drank it directly from the bottle twice in one day and woke up without the flare up the next morning.
Ben Franklin was plagued by gout so badly that he even wrote a monologue between himself and Madame Gout on why she was so mean to him and visited him so often.
I finally stopped getting gout when I quit drinking, fwiw.
First are you taking any medications? (something could have caused this.)
If it's just gout and no meds responsible, black cherry juice concentrate should help you. You can get the concentrate at most health food stores.
This article is about contaminated pharmaceutical product additive that ended up in a lot of cough syrups, ect. A couple of years ago, my friend took a prescribed liquid laxative and it caused him to have gout more severe than he had ever had in his life. He had to go to hosp. The med he was taking had a component in it which is the same substance as mentioned in this article. Not saying he got the poison stuff in it because I don't know. Anyway, here is article.
The fact that it is reoccurring is serious. I had gout four years ago. Everything I read indicated that if it reoccurred, it would be problematic from then on.