my family that are not even jws get annoyed about me coming on jwd

by looloo 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • GoddessRachel

    I agree with what so many people are saying. People who were never JW's will never understand, and that's OK, as long as we, as ex-JW's don't try to make them understand. Some people, and in my experience this is often men, just don't think about something that they find unpleasant. They'd rather just avoid it. I don't work that way. It drives me batty if I let it fester inside my brain. So I come here to try and make sense of my personal experiences. It really helps me to know I'm not the exception to the JW rules.

    My boyfriend was raised a JW but he copes by making jokes. He talks about it every so often, but he doesn't spend lots of time analyzing it. It is what it is, in his mind, and thinking about it a lot won't change anything that happened. My sister doesn't have an interest in coming to this site, and she had some horrendous JW experiences growing up. We each have our own way of dealing with things.

    For me, I know I'm a freak, but it helps to know which things I can attribute to growing up in a high-control group, and which things are just my own personal "quirks" if you will.

  • AudeSapere

    Sometimes it's not just coming on to JWD that concerns people, it's the addiction - no matter what site it is.

    And the tuning out of real life in order to spend more time here.


  • avishai

    No, VelvetAnn, not a guy thing. My ex always got pissed when i was on here, but i suspect that was her insecurity, she got mad about myspace, email, etc. It was projection, as she was the cheater and humping pretty much everything that moved.

  • dogisgod

    Dont have a husband. Don't share this with family except for factual information not disclosing the source as this site but the internet.

  • dogisgod

    PS. I don't consider myself "apostate". I am "enlightened". I won't live with their labes.

  • Eliveleth

    My husband was disfellowshipped as "apostate" the same time I was, but he has taken a different route from the very

    beginning. I started meeting with an interdenominational Christian womens group almost from the beginning, but he

    wouldn't go to church or get involved in anything. After 10 years he started going to church with me and became a

    pastor. He and I left the church (any church) last summer. He is not a computer guy and he is not too interested

    in anything that is going on with the Watchtower.

    Love and hugs,


  • Finally-Free

    Even if a person is "over" the JWs, it's still nice to talk to people who know what it's all about, and who can appreciate the anti-JW humour as only an ex-jw can. A lot of things we find funny could never be understood by someone who was never in the cult.


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