The Door to Door Argument and various musings

by Mrs. Witness 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mrs. Witness
    Mrs. Witness

    Hey Everybody! I had it out with hubby this weekend. I think what set it off was a "to-do" list that he made first thing in the morning that listed all the chores I needed to do under his name and the chore under my name was to go to the KH with him to hear the CO give a talk about "why the Bible is accurate". I wrote HELL NO across the lists and proceeded to make my list: Hubby: Stop attending cult brainwashing sessions forever, work 40 hours. Mrs. Witness: do all chores, cooking, shopping, taking care of kids, and work 40 hours forever". He just smiled and folded the lists up. He thought he could bribe me by promising a fabulous brunch after the meeting...he said he'd even skip the WT session!!

    Anyway, he told me he was doing the same work as Jesus, going door to door. I challenged him to find ANY scripture that said that Jesus went door to door. Of course he couldn't find any but he settled on the one in Matthew about "find a house, give it your blessing...yadda yadda". I told him that meant "find a place to stay". I almost thought I had made some inroads. He was really stymied. Unfortunately, he's so far in that he thought that it was his fault that he couldn't find the right scripture.

    I got so angry with him that he told me that I was fulfilling scripture. How do you continue a conversation with someone after he says something like that? I digress...

    Anyone got any good links for the door-to-door argument? I really felt a doubt there.

    Thanks for listening!

    Mrs. Witness.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Witnesses claim that those in far away lands who don't get a chance to hear the good news will have a chance in the New why are we sending out missionaries then? It doesn't matter!! In the 1st Century they did not have magazines tracts or bibles ....or even doors to knock on! They would have to knock on you have any idea how hard that is!!!!! You have to bring your own wood!

  • Mrs. Witness
    Mrs. Witness

    Yes, 007, we also went down that road. He mentioned the "broad road" and the "narrow path" and I asked him why they wanted to convert everyone because if they converted everyone, then JW would be the broad road...

    He also said that going door-to-door was an effective way of converting people. I laughed at him for that one.

  • Honesty
  • Mrs. Witness
    Mrs. Witness

    Thanks Honesty!

  • buffalosrfree

    The door to door work is nonsense, how many people in your particular KH's were actually recruited by that? Most in my opinion were exposed do the friends and family. I have yet to meet but two familes that were ever recruited by the D-D work. Also this supposed commission in Matthew 28: 19, 20; fails to also point out vs 16 which clearly indicates this evangelizing and baptizing work was the commission of the Apostles, not the rand and file christian.

    I have pointed out to spouse many times that if they want to participate in it, then by all means do so, but don't think you are required to, and always remember the ones telling you to do so, are a publishing company that is who is driving this work its all about follow the money!!!! Well spouse wants to argue then but I refuse to do so, I just tell her as was pointed in earlier post that Jesus never went door to door and he sure didn't tell his aposteles and disciples to do so in a consecutive sense either.

    It's like talking to the wall though.

  • moomanchu

    My favorite thing to say,

    People that have not been preached to and die in this old system will be ressurected, right. yes, yes

    People that have not been preached to will survive armageddon, right. yes, yes

    People that have been preached to and refuse JW and die in the old system will not be ressurected, right. yes, yes

    People that have been preached to and refuse JW will die at armageddon, right. yes, yes

    Do everyone a favor and shutup about the JW's, right? no, no blah blah blah blah

  • Anti-Christ

    If you really want to freak his mind you should talk to him about all the verses that don't make any sense, the ones that contradict themselves and the ones that are just plain horrible. You could look at some of my topics about that subject or go to or the secular web has a lot of good information about the bible religion does not tell you about.

  • Mrs. Witness
    Mrs. Witness

    Buffalo: Exactly. He had the audacity to tell me how EFFECTIVE the d-t-d work is. I laughed at him and asked how many hours it took to get one convert.

    Moo: That's sort of where I was going with it, but the night before he told me that he thought Jimi Hendrix would be resurrected. When I asked him why he thought that, he just said "because I do" and then he said "I doubt that he heard the message". So, I just dropped it.

    Is it common for JW's to want things both ways?

  • Mrs. Witness
    Mrs. Witness

    Been to evilbible. Tried that. I took a course on the NT at college and so I knew about many of the discrepancies already. He puts his figurative fingers in his figurative ears and mentally says "blah, blah, blah".

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