I vote NOT!!!
by tula 46 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I saw in the Revelation Climax book, on page 277, there is Frosty hair Jesus consorting with the Queen of Heaven.
I asked the study conductor why that was so, and he did not have any idea why. When I learned that the WT considers itself to be "mother" I began to put it together.
We are dealing with a creepy religion here folks. -
okay - that was like being told I'm getting a delcious home cooked meal with all my favorites and then being served a single dried pretzel.
For S------
Dinner at 7 sharp!
Thanks Beksbks but I'm afraid I can't take credit for the wonderful poem as it's from the masterpiece :The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.It does, however, well express my sentiments and seems wholly appropriate to use it in a thread such as this.Plus, it's funny as heck !
Wow ! A picture with the Twin Towers and a plane in the same frame ! Amazing ! (There's a huge rocket in that picture too, btw).Forget the fact that over the years the WT has used and produced thousands upon thousands of images and that if one looks hard enough they can find whatever they're looking for.And that's exactly what some kooky conspiracy theorists do.They look, and look, and look some more... until they fine a tiny sliver of "evidence" and then comes the endless work of making it fit somehow into a larger framework of diabolical plans.
The Organization itself is one of the biggest conspiracy theorists out there so it's no great wonder that it would attract such a follower.If one wants to waste their time with it that's fine, but trying to once again bring others under such a yoke of slavery (where one continually depends and looks to those "in the know") is just plain wrong.It's quite a power trip though, isn't it ? It's also big business.There's an endless supply of Books,Websites,Videos, etc. all ready to empty the pockets and time of those who jump in head first.Being constantly wrapped up in such things is not good for ones mental and emotional well being.
(Requested by poster)