Awake= "Playstation Games like playing with Radioactive waste!!"

by Witness 007 53 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • brinjen


    I have a friend who plays sims all the time. We worked together in customer service. where you get customers yelling at you during the day. She goes home and makes a sims family using the customers name. Then she doesn't teach them how to cook or swim and then they either drown or set their house on fire. Now she has tombstones in the front yard of the burnt down house with their names onit.

    Talk about a good way to relieve stress.

    I love 'Sims 2', I have nearly all the expansion packs for it. I need to do that with the customers I serve.

  • JeffT
    Exposure in high doses of radiation can destroy the lining of the stomach and allow bacteria from the intestines to invade the bloodstream, resulting in sickness.

    Actually this isn't how radiation is most likely to harm you. Exposure to high doses of radiation kills the bone marrow, stopping blood production, which takes several weeks to kill you. At higher doses it damages the lining of the intestines, causing you to bleed to death internally, which takes a day or so. Unless you walk into a nuclear reactor or stand under an exploding atomic bomb (both of which carry other risks) you are unlikely to get this much radiation. Long term exposure to low doses causes cancer, but that will take anywhere from ten years to a lifetime to killl you.

  • saywhat29

    Oh God, I grew up on Mortal Kombat, and all of its renditions (when MK was the shit). I was in a car group one day and everybody was so shocked how I could enjoy such a wicked game...

    I guess they could never understand the joy a little boy can have ripping the heart out of his uncle's character and dancing acros the room in a victory that took about oh.. 3 hours! So yeah. Violence? It rocks!

    (And you get Ten Awesome Geek Points if you Know what Move and What character I'm talking about... Mortal Kombat 1)

    Hell, it keeps people from actually yanking the hearts out of real people's chests...

  • monophonic

    nothing more than the violence in the bible and the violent images the wtbts had branded

  • monophonic

    sorry internet is barfing on me.

    continued, the images of god killing everyone at armageddon from the 70's and 80's still haunt me today, way more than any shoot 'em up video games.

    "god's going to kill you all at armageddon if you're not with us" is the highest form of violence.

  • Frequent_Fader_Miles
    I give this article an F. Do they even have editors?

    That's rather generous of you .... I'd give it an Fminus!!!!!!

    No editors, no references, no bibliography .... horrible writing.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    The writers of the WT are not a group of educated intellectuals , thats been established observantly over the years

    We are the righteous and powerful , therefore we must be obeyed garbage that gets spewed out from these ignorant sods is alarming at times.

    That is their persona and their livelihood as well.......a publishing house does what ?

  • loosie

    brinjen you'd be amazed at what a better mood you'll be in after doing that.

    I have a shirt that says " my therapist told me to knit next time I feel like someone" I wonder what the society would say about spending a lot of time knitting.

  • shamus100

    Blast you old men! Blast you and you're superior reasoning, you're smart beyond your years! Me not too bright, but sound good to me. Me throw out video game pong, stay home, pray to jehovah, or me get cancer and be bad. Watchtower guys good, me bad. Me very very bad. Me try to think more innteligentt like watchtower guys and make good reaasonung, lik yew guys. Thank you watchtower. Thank you jehovah. thanks satan for being so bad that you can be in video games and jehovah show me it bad. Cancer is bad. My cat got cancer and she's sleeping now. Jehovah won't resurrect her, because she's not nice enough to play with cobras. so remember, jehovah good, video gums bad, satan bad, got to watchtower study, go in service, be smurt.

  • shamus100

    oh, me forgot to mention.. you die if you don't throw out bad games. oh, we threw out risk because it made me yell at my friend and we cried later. jehovah loves you all. take care. don't die.

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