How I'm helping hubby see the truth! Seems to be working too!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by cognac 26 Replies latest social family

  • Hope4Others

    Glad to here things are better, just one point or 2 at a time, letting them draw there own conclusions does work. I tuned out alot of stuff out at first but eventually a point here and there

    actually made me think. He probably thought he wasn't getting anywhere but I was filing it.


  • cognac
    Dont forget to keep an open mind yourself. He'll know if he's being played.

    That's very good advice! I don't study ahead of time for it, I just come up with questions as it comes naturally and just got really fortunate last night... Not sure if I necessarily will even have a question each week. But, as I have questions, I will bring it up and just see what happens. I don't really know where this will go, I'm hoping it will go down a good path if we both are sincere about simply wanting to understand things. Also, I'm not going to try to prove anything, I just put write down the question, put my name and then my answer, and his name and his answer.

    I just have to keep remembering this - to keep an open mind!!!

  • dawg

    Good job Cognac. Now show him what you've found about 607BC...

  • cognac
    Good job Cognac. Now show him what you've found about 607BC...

    Thanks Dawg! I would show him that but I think it would just cause an argument... I'm gonna wait til it somehow comes up. I gotta really make tiny, baby steps with him...

  • avishai

    Speaking of apostasy, ask him to research how the Jews and Samaritans viewed each other and WHY!! They both saw each other as apostate. Then have him read teh parable of the good samaritan.

  • betweenworlds

    Oh my goodness!

    How wonderful Cognac! Sounds like things are going in the right direction for sure. Good job ^^ When people are able to use their own powers of reason and insight it's only a matter of time before the veil of the watchtowers control drops.


  • FlyingHighNow
    Speaking of apostasy, ask him to research how the Jews and Samaritans viewed each other and WHY!! They both saw each other as apostate. Then have him read teh parable of the good samaritan.

    Yes, this and the Samaritan woman at the well. One thing I appreciate about that passage is that Jesus didn't rebuke her for living with a man who was not her husband. Instead he went with her into the village and preached to the other Samaritans. And another cool thing? These "apostate Samaritans believed Jesus and accepted him whereas most of the Jews did not, especially those that considered themselves following the law to even the 10th of the dill and the cumin. Remember what he said to the Pharisees? He rebuked them and called them sons of vipers. He rebuked them on more than one occasion. I remember thinking that the society preached a lot about the Pharisees and did not see that their very philosoply encouraged the brothers to act just like the Pharisees.

  • liquidsky
    Nothing we discuss together as a couple should be discussed with anybody else unless we both agree to it.

    I hope you take this into consideration when share things about your personal relationship with your husband to the members of this board. Is he aware that you come here? And how would he feel if he read some the things you posted about him and you and your relationship? That being said, I think that studying together with him is an excellent way for you to show him the truth, so I wish you the the best of luck. Just remember, that you have to be honest with him as well.


  • cognac
    I hope you take this into consideration when share things about your personal relationship with your husband to the members of this board. Is he aware that you come here? And how would he feel if he read some the things you posted about him and you and your relationship?

    This was in reference to people who can cause a JC and we both had the understanding of that. Also, we did discuss this board and what has been said on it.

  • Eliveleth

    Cognac, Honey,

    As I was reading your post the same thing occurred to me as it did to liquidsky:

    I hope you take this into consideration when share things about your personal relationship with your husband to the members of this board. Is he aware that you come here? And how would he feel if he read some the things you posted about him and you and your relationship?

    I think it is really important to your relationship to keep your word in this area, not sharing what you find with anyone else.. Not just because he might find out, but because it is the right thing to do: to honor your relationship with him.

    We are very anxious to hear what is happening but keep your study confidential as you requested him to do.

    Love and hugs,

    Gramma Velta

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