Anyone know this website - UN & JWs

by Gordy 15 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Gordy


    Anyone have any answers to what this guy says?

  • looking_glass

    Yes, I have seen it b/4. I find it interesting that there is no where to comment or get in contact w/ the author. So it seems like a one-side convo.

    Anyways, isn't the whole JW motto, no party of the world regardless of how small it might be. That being the case, if yet one mere person were stumbled by the WTBTS appearance of being associated w/ the evil UN, why wouldn't they totally avoid it like they expect every other robot of a JW to do! Personally, I don't care why they were associated w/ UN, just the fact that they kept it a uber secret is what I find annoying. They make all the rest of the "flock" tell their bad deeds (even private things b/w husbands and wives), but they are not held to the same standards.

  • betterdaze

    It is one of the Watchtower apologist sites put out by the merry band of miscreants at

    They have other apologist sites propping up the date lies and back-pedalling the pedophile conspiracy, in addition to the UN one.

    I hold nothing against JWs as a people — they are, after all, under cult mind control. It's the Watchtower Society that I resent and hope to see utterly destroyed in my lifetime. It is my fervent hope that the U.S. Federal government will take care of that for all of us.

    But the particular JWs on that site are vile and downright hateful, IMHO, in their support of the Borg. They do more to discredit the WTS than I ever could.

    Read some of their posts and material and make your own call.


  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    I've read a good part of the site, one of the most amusing to me is his weak and feeble attempt to make it sound like whoever in Brooklyn

    registered with the UN as an NGO to gain access to their library, was as innocent as apple pie.. It's quite apparent and obvious, particularly to long time JWS that whoever did register went

    directly against the rules of not getting involved with worldly government affairs and the action did indeed go against that set doctrine.

    It seems that who ever did the deed knew it was against their own set of principles but did it anyways to get an open access to the library.

    And probably thought no one would take notice, devious but practical. Unfortunately they got caught it came out in the open and they had to start damage control.

    The entire web-site is all wrought with bias for the WTS. and there is no way to make a rebuttal of any kind to his statements, which shows his

    intensional loyalty to the JWS but at the same time shows where his personal integrity is at also.

    In all practicality even if a simple elder was to do such a thing and it was found out by his own associated elders that elder would have probably been up in front of a

    JC committee without question.

    It would be easy to assume that the individual or individuals who did the registering was probably a GB member or someone at the top level of the organization, but no mentioning

    of any hand slapping, rather a blatant back peddling and a whole bunch of weak excuses, I guess like in any other organization power has its privileges

  • yknot

    Yes, he hangs out on the JW Topix forum. You can read his old postings or start a new thread about the UN/WTS debacle. He will be quick to defend even going as far as to say he wishes they were still active members.

    What I personally encountered with this person were half-truths. I live in Texas and stayed on top of the Amy B case while it was in Texas. He posted to me that the WTS case was dismissed with prejudice, which is true concerning the WTS of NY, the local elders on the other hand were still standing in a deep field of cowpies. He not only refuses to acknowledge that the Eldums are part of the WTS, he keeps harping how the WTS was "venerated". Basically Amy eventually cast her lot with the Napa Group and as we know they settled.

    It did bring attention to me how the WTS was willing to let the Eldums twist in the wind after 'Mother' got her arse out of the sling. There were arguments that the written notations in the Flock book were erroneous of JW policy and that they were just personal opinions of the local Elders not that they were told these things by the CO and legal.

    Oh and the lawyers used were hired guns! (former Dean of Baylor Law!) Also this was the case that generated the buzz concerning the Elders having no fiduciary responsibility to the congregation.

  • civicsi00

    Funny- I was getting ready to post a topic about this particular website earlier this week, but I didn't have time.

    Whenever I first encountered anything "apostate" on the internet, I encountered this website and the one run by "e-watchman" or whatever. I was pretty shocked at first, but then the more I read about it, the more I saw that most of those members support the idea that the Watchtower is fulfilling so many prophecies, and that they are the modern-day Jerusalem (or some crap like that).

    Anyways, I saw through the crap months later and found other websites that simply pointed out quotes from the decades of Watchtowers/Awakes and saw that the WTBTS is nothing more than a huge publishing company, operating without any kind of Godly direction.

  • Muney

    Sorry to bring up an old dead thread here. I was just wondering if anything that this guy has to say is true. I know it really doesn’t change much since ANY association with the UN is hypocritical. So are these "facts" he came up with, do they have any merit or is he just pulling things out of his ass? If his facts are true, then I did learn something about the UN scandal. I learnt that there are 2 different NGOs, The DPI and the ECOSOC,both with different requirements to join. Any truth to what he says?

  • uninformed

    In 1966 I went to prison to uphold the WT view of Neutrality, which meant back then, a non-involvement in the political affairs of this world.

    They broke their neutrality. They also got deeply involved in "interfaith" at the UN meetings they shared in.

    Both are disfellowshipping offenses, which I did. After I disfellowshipped them, they had the audacity to disfellowship me.

    If it is "no big deal" and not wrong for them to have become associate "NGO's" of the UN,------------then why in the HELL did they get out within three days of getting caught?

    The guy who does the site that is referenced here is nothing but a lying son of a bitch, bastard, evil WT worshiper.

    If you want to know how I really feel----


  • Kenneson

    There have been several threads on this topic at Here's one I did in March of this year when I received a letter from the U.N.


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