I am curious: How many of you also experienced this, as I did? Prior to my own experience I had never known of anyone who had "served their time," attended meetings regularly, and in everyway demonstrated a good heart, being turned away. But then, I guess I wouldn't have, would I?
Denied re-instatement
by MMae 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
That's a really ugly thing. After three months in my own personal hell I gave up; by then I knew that I was only doing it to cheer mum up and that I despised every tormented moment at the back of that depressing hall. Friends had taken from three months to four years. I had started off aiming at two, but I knew I didn't have it in me.
Hey if I'd held out, I might have made it back by now. I'm so glad I didn't. I just love life now.
Welcome, btw!
I was too when I was 16. My dad pushed me into requesting it too soon. This is when they started the one year rule in our area, don't know if it was everywhere. But I requested again and was reinstated. The whole process is humilating and I won't ever do it again. When the brothers here asked if I would meet with them I told them no, I don't answer to men anymore.
chicken little
Its interesting that in the two letters to the Corinthians were we have the account of brother annointed up to very bad stuff and getting told to leave, it is only a matter of months before he is being accepted back in again. I have always found that interesting.
Momz statement is correct.
You will usually be denied on your first request. Writing a letter to request reinstatement is only the first step in "testing" you to see how you react to the rejection. You are expected to continue meeting attendance anyway. If you run away too soon, you obviously were not "honest-hearted," now were you...
If you want to continue playing their game, I suggest a squirt of K-Y Jelly in each ear. Mind jobs hurt less that way.
Like they can judge the hearts of people.
Who knew? I guess I'm just not into the mind f**k. They said they didn't bellieve that I was repentant. I knew that if they didn't believe I was repentant on that day, there was no day in the future that would ever be any different. You'd think willingly submitting to nearly a year of humiliating isolation would be more than sufficient to demonstrate that one is serious about the matter. Just imagine that JWs actually were the only way to God? (Or that I hadn't figured that one out?) What was it Jesus said they could do with that millstone?
The really, really sad thing is that there are many, many who are not the survivor that I am. In those cases, there is blood guilt.
M... If you truly believe that all things work together for good for those that love God...then be happy as heck that you have not been reinstated. See it as being truly Divine intervention that you have been given an opportunity to escape! If you exhibit any capacity to think for yourself, you are a threat to this nazi mind control experiment.
Escape takes two actions.
1) It takes recognition of a contradiction (which puts the psyche into a tailspin)
2) It takes stepping away from the source (seeing things from a distance you can be objective because you are not participating and caught up in it)
I have wondered if people who are DF and innocent , if it would make a difference in their objectivity (and thus help one to precipitate an escape) or...
would they fall prey to the hypnotic inducement of punishment and accept that they deserved the DF? ( even though "charges" were twisted or unfair)
Have you ever taken a real break from the hall? I mean totally get away from all of it...the reading materials and the associations?
I am wondering how long of an absence would it take to 1) see the discrepancies in doctrine? and 2) clear ones mind of the control?
Hang in there.
Same thing happened to me, MM.
After I was df'd I attended every meeting for probably 4-6 months. It was soooo long ago, my memory isn't so great. Anyway, I wrote a letter requesting to be reinstated. They told me enough time hadnt gone by. I kept attending for another couple of months, then just said "to hell with it".
To top it all, one of the elders that was on my JC saw me at work about ten years later. He had to the nerve to tell me not to stay out in the world so long. I was thinking, how stupid to tell me that. He was the one who told me enough time hadn't gone by.
Oh well, it's water under the bridge now. My life is better now that it was then.
In my part of the country I've noticed if your a guy you stay out at least a year, if your a girl your back in within 6 months. There harsher on men Cause "you otta no better".
Anyone ever noted simular circumstances?