New Special Talk Outline: #170 Who Is Qualified to Rule Mankind.pdf

by Scully 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • OnTheWayOut

    16 minutes of


    The Economy

    Disaster Preparedness

    Health Care



    No real evidence is offered in this largest portion of the talk, just
    more campaign promises from God and Jesus. There is the stories of
    how Jesus provided food or calmed the storm, but Jesus was present at
    each location. To say that he will do this for all of mankind would be
    ridiculous unless you reminded the audience that He only has to do it
    for 0.1 % of today's Mankind, because he will simply wipe out (destroy)
    the rest.

    How can Jesus, as earth's ruler, keep plenty of food for everyone?
    Simple- destroy billions of people. The land can produce plenty for
    a few million people instead of several billion.

    How can Jesus, as earth's ruler, keep everyone healthy?
    If there were 7 billion people, he couldn't "heal" each one very easily,
    but when you get the numbers below 8 million, well- it is possible
    to personally heal the masses.

    How can Jesus, as earth's ruler, transform the earth into a paradise?
    Once the billions of people are killed and animals eat their flesh, birds peck
    at their eyes, well- Jesus will let the remaining humans do the remainder
    of the work, digging the graves or incinerating those bodies. Then the
    people will continue to work like dogs, cleaning up the joint. Paradise
    won't mean there are no weeds, unless you pull all the weeds. Paradise
    won't mean easy travel or modern conveniences, unless people work for
    that. The new dictator in the sky will ALLOW people to have nice things
    IF they get their work done and have any energy left for nice things.

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle
    Very sad ... chances of witty introductions are reduced to zero (only 3 minutes!) ;-)

    Not necessarily!

    How is this?.... (in my best obama voice)

    Last week I was in Indianna, where I talked to a little fifth grade African-American hispanic gulf war veteran who told me she was sick and tired of fighting the government for better health care. A few days later I was in Nashville Tennessee, where I worked for an afternoon on an assembly line with a 90 year old latino polish immigrant from Kenya. She spoke to me about her dream for the future, where all Americans young and old would be able to dance with a King Cobra and play the xylophone on the jawbone of a live shark. Well friends, I am here to tell you today that as your leader, Jesus Christ, will put an end to all your suffering. All your groaning. This is not a dream! It is a re-al-ity. That's right friends. I said. RE - AL - I - TY. Vote for God's Kingdom today.

    But in order for you to get there, you need to go out and tell others about this!

    And fill out these little slips at the end of each month! We don't trust you!

    And never celebrate another birthday again! Or anything else for that matter! Except your wedding anniversary! Not married? Too bad, sucker!

    And you might need get up here on stage and talk to other brain washed people about the same poop every once in a while! And you sisters.... you need to pretend you're talking to a regular person and help them to be brainwashed just like us!

    Then we all need to sit around and judge each other, secretly, and then publicly. We need to show superficial conditional love to each other too, and if anybody ever realizes we are all living a lie, that one is to be punished and silenced!


    The Oracle

  • lrkr

    I didn't think it was possible. Public Talks just got dumbed down to the level of an Awake! cover series. Just enough information to not say anything really. This was a talk somewhere already, I think (CO? Special Talk?) but it looks like the newest of the 30 minute outlines. Goal- prepare something you can hand to a gerbil and he will get it right.

  • lrkr
    extend the length of every male penis by 3 inches!

    Is that really in there?? That would make for an interesting talk.

  • crownboy

    When did public talks get reduced from 45 mins. to 30?

    Why couldn't that policy have been in when I still went?

  • WTWizard

    I notice that everything they want the speaker to say is in the outline. They admonish the speaker to adhere closely to the outline. First, they want the speaker to take all of three minutes to bash the existing governments (some of which do indeed deserve to be bashed, but not for the listed reasons).

    Now, the next 16 minutes are full of the supposed benefits of the Kingdom. Here are some of the real benefits: Poverty, stagnation, people working more than 18 hours a day, 7 days a week and sacrificing more than 90% of the fruitage of their labor to some higher cause, people not being optimally satisfied or fulfilled, and no personal accomplishments. They will lie about people being happy under the listed conditions, when the truth is that most people would stagnate. And, instead of people properly taking all the credit for the good they accomplish, they give that to God.

    Now, what would actually happen if Jesus were to rule the earth? Remember, Jesus wanted to free people from the religious system (and the political system that was also keeping mankind from reaching its full potential). I have reason to believe that Jesus, if he were actually ruling, would have the policy of no initiatory force or fraud. That includes the Watchtower Society (look what Jesus did to the religious leaders that were initiating force and fraud--he didn't tolerate it for long!). And, people would be able to rightly take credit for what they produce and create. That is not what the Watchtower Society wants people to think about this kingdom.

    There is one possible type of person that is able to successfully fix our governments (and, Ted Jaracz is NOT in that class). The person would have to take a stand against all the regulators that are usurping their power. The Federal Reserve system has to go. So do most of the government regulatory agencies (not to worry: the private sector can regulate things by evaluating products and posting the results, which would force companies to fix Not Acceptable products). This person would also have to pass an amendment explicitly banning another power from ever growing such out of control regulators again. Funding for such groups would be totally eliminated. Eventually, the free market would, out of pure competition, fix all the problems that man has gotten in.

    Don't think that is possible? Look at what science is doing today, even with the FDA in the way, about aging. Back 10 years ago, they didn't have much idea about what causes aging. Now they are getting a handle on it. Look at the computer industry: back in 1970, a 4 kB system was unaffordable except for the very rich. Now, 4 kB is laughable--we are looking at 4 GB systems in the $2,000 price range. I believe that such moves are entirely feasible wholly through the free market system, and would be provided by the free market given half a chance.

    Don't look for that solution to be given at the Kingdumb Hells!

  • Meeting Junkie No More
    Meeting Junkie No More

    Thanks so much for others have said, a total waste of 30 minutes. What is special about it? Absolutely nothing.

    Any one of us already knows this same 3rd-grade info, inside and out. And we know Jesus' rule is coming soon. It's been coming soon for the last x number of years. What we need to hear is who is qualified to rule mankind in the, while we are waiting for the promised Kingdom. The Watchtower corporation has put itself in that position by continually 'ruling' us in every avenue of life that it can and should be ashamed of itself for its record and legacy.

    The talks are getting lamer and lamer because they say absolutely NOTHING...just empty platitudes that 'tickle' the ears of the attendees. Thank God I am no longer among them.

  • potleg

    Didn't they prattle on with this same old stuff back in th 90's....80's......70's........60's..........50's........

    At least it's only half an hour now. The real benfit is your arse is not quite as numb as your brain when all's said and done.

  • logic&reason

    Evidence that he has taken power and begun ruling in heaven is abundant (bh 84-95)

    We urge you to grow in your understanding of these facts

    I find this comical... the explanation has always seemed like a stretch to me, even when I was a kid.

    Jesus becomes king, war breaks out in heaven and, as a result, he sends Satan and the demons down to the earth. All of this supposedly happened in 1914, and that is why there have been so many more problems on Earth ever since. (Again, supposedly)

    What has he been doing ever since? Working with a flawed, corrupt, earthly organization? Riiiiiiiight!

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan
    While making it evident that Jehovah's Witnesses are strictly neutral as to the world's politics, explain in prac-tical terms why God's Kingdom is far superior to any human government. Contrast the abilities of Jesus Christ with the limitations of human rulers

    And while the rest of humanity tries to find pratical ways to deal with the real world, the JWs continue to argue for nothing. Saying you believe that it is more "prac-tical" to trust Gods Kingdom as opposed to "mans governments" is totally stupid. Like there is anybody on the face of this earth who actually hates the idea of a God fixing all our problems.

    "I was going to let this all powerful God run things, but you know I think that McCain really has something special"

    The Watchtowers comparison is so stupid it's laughable. Human government arises not because people don't believe in the power of a particular deity but because they are the only ones (at this point) willing to take the job.

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